4 reasons why your partner spends his time glued to his cell phone and not with you

by time news

2023-12-23 19:29:06

Check cell phone while we are with our partner is completely normal and valid, whether because we received a message, check social networks or find out what is happening in the world. However, this harmless action could turn into a huge problem if you couple is glued to the cell phone all the time. What does it mean?

one thing is check your cell phone from time to time for whatever reason, and another is pay all your attention to your cell phone, better known as “phubbing“, the action of ignore your partner because you are glued to your cell phone, which takes away quality time, one of the main pillars for the relationship to work or to establish a deep emotional bond.

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What does phubbing mean?

He “phubbing” is the act of paying more attention to our device instead of interact with your partner or the people around us. According to a article published by the journal Computers in Human Behavior, This habit negatively affects a relationship, since it weakens the emotional bond, generating feelings of loneliness, devaluation, frustration and abandonment.

The lack of attention in the couple by replacing it with the constant phone use It can lead to a feeling of detachment and the perception that the couple is more interested in social networks than in the relationship itself, causing conflicts and feelings of insecurity, as the couple does not feel like a true priority.

To avoid the detrimental effects of “phubbing“, it is essential to promote open communication, establish limits on the use of devices during shared moments, as well as dedicate quality time without distractions with devices in between. In this way, communication could be strengthened. emotional connection in the relationship.

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Why does my partner spend a lot of time on his cell phone?

It is true that the constant cell phone use It has become the main enemy of many couples by causing tensions that could even cause a breakup for irreconcilable reasons, if deep damage has developed.

The reasons behind the constant cell phone use from your partner They can vary and do not necessarily indicate a serious problem that needs to be addressed immediately. Some of the most common causes could be the following:

Work or personal responsibilities: your partner could be experiencing a lot of time on the cell phone due to special circumstances, such as a job that requires constant connection or waiting for important news, such as the health of a family member. Cell phone addiction: many people have become dependent on their devices, especially addicted to their social networks. The need to always be connected can lead your partner to spend more time on your cell phone than you would like.Lack of attention: If you have ruled out the reasons above, it is possible that lack of interest or boredom in the relationship is influencing your partner’s behavior. Using the cell phone during important moments, such as a date or dinner, can be interpreted as a lack of attention and commitment in the relationship. Infidelity: although you should be careful when considering this possibility, if you notice that your partner hides his screen or acts suspicious way on their cell phone, you could feel insecure in the relationship. Instead of going into detective mode, talk to your partner honestly and responsibly to resolve any concerns you may have.

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What to do when your partner spends a lot of time on his cell phone?

When you couple spends a lot of time on the cell phone, It is important to have good communication, be patient and listen to their reasons without becoming defensive. Communicate your feelings and concerns avoiding accusations or confrontations. You can express that you feel the relationship needs more attention and quality time together.

try to establish time limits for cell phone use and commit to spending quality time without distractions. Open communication and mutual commitment are key to solving this problem if you really want to strengthen the relationship.

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Now that you know why your partner could spend more time on the cell phone than with you and what you can do to solve this problem, do not hesitate to follow our recommendations if you still want to save your Relationship.

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