4 types of bumps that can appear in the vagina and reveal more than you think

by time news

Find a lump in vagina could make us think that it is a grainespecially when we clean the genital area when we bathe Although they do not normally cause painthe idea that it is a tumor. What could it be? 4 types of bumps that can appear in the vagina and reveal more than you think.

Why do lumps appear in the vagina?

Los lumps in the vagina They can occur for various reasons, so it is very important that you consult your gynecologist to have a more accurate diagnosis, for example, the lumps in the vagina is one of the warning signs of vulvar cancer, by ignoring this symptom considering it insignificant, it could reach a more advanced stage, reveal specialist of the American Cancer Society.

On the other hand, some sexually transmitted infections such as syphilis, and herpes genital, clamidia and including the gonorrheaare capable of causing lumps in the vagina, as well as painful soreswhich produce itching, burning, tenderness, or discharge.

4 types of bumps that can appear in the vagina and reveal more than you think / Photo: iStock

Los uterine fibroids could also cause the presence of lumps in the vagina because these non-cancerous tumors can grow so much uterus that give way to one pressure in the vagina, as well as in the pelvis.

Is it normal to have a lump in the vagina?

No, it’s not normal have a lump in vaginasince it can indicate some health problem, the most recommended is seek medical attention if you notice a lump in vagina

Should I be concerned if I have a lump in my vagina?

Find a lump in vagina usually causes concern, the problem is that some are usually caused by more serious medical conditions, so take care if you have a lump in vaginaespecially if it is painful, grows rapidly, causes itching, bleeding, or vaginal discharge.

4 types of bumps that can appear in the vagina and reveal more than you think / Photo: iStock

go to our gynecological appointments is a way that we can detect abnormalities in the vaginal area in a timely manner, but if curiosity wins you, take a mirror, get in a comfortable position and look at your genitals, you can feel with your clean hands… what do you see? If you spot a lump in vaginahere I tell you what are the types of lumps in the vagina more common.

Lump in the vagina due to sexually transmitted disease

Some STDs can cause the appearance of little balls near the vagina, The most important thing is to identify them and see your doctor to start with a treatment and avoid complications.

Lump in the vagina due to molluscum contagiosum: Although this STD is little known, it is characterized by presenting rounded bumps the color of the skin, which may disappear after a year, but see your doctor if they inflame and redden, produce itch or present a kind of ‘sinking‘ on top.

4 types of bumps that can appear in the vagina and reveal more than you think / Photo: iStock

Lump in the vagina for vgenital wrinkles: they can be small skin-colored or white balls that appear around the vulvamostly caused by human papilloma virus (HPV). In addition to following an appropriate treatment, your doctor may recommend cryotherapy or LEEP treatment, in case they are at high risk and are likely to develop cervical cancer.

Lump in vagina by syphilis: an infection that is usually transmitted by unprotected sexual contact. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the syphilis she is cunning because her symptoms tend to come and go all the time. However, during the final stage, lumps may appear that, when treated with antibiotics they disappear.

Lump in the vagina due to Bartholin’s cyst

Bartholin’s cysts are characteristic because they appear near the vaginal opening and they are not usually painful to touchbut when they are infected the area becomes more sensitive and in that case there is pain when feel the lump, discomfort when walking or sitting and especially to be intimate.

4 types of bumps that can appear in the vagina and reveal more than you think / Photo: iStock

If he lump in vagina does not disappear for two or three days, it is best to see your doctor to receive a treatment immediately.

Lump in the vagina due to an ingrown hair

many women like depilate the genital area, although in reality it is not so recommended to do so. If you got a lump in vagina that causes discomfort like itching or pain, it is probably a ingrown pubic hair. Here I tell you how to destroy them once and for all, easy, fast and without any pain.

On the other hand, if you usually suffer from this type of bulges by red vellos, The best thing to do is not to shave your hair completely. genital areaJust trim a bit and you’re done.

4 types of bumps that can appear in the vagina and reveal more than you think / Photo: iStock

Lump in the vagina due to sebaceous cysts

Spending a lot of time sitting down, not bathing immediately when exercising or wearing underwear that does not allow our vaginal area, are some causes for the appearance of sebaceous cysts in the vagina.

Los sebaceous lumps contain fluid when easily infected, it is best to change your intimate hygiene routineremember that poor hygiene can be the cause of infections such as candidiasis.

now that you know why lumps can appear in the vagina do not let it pass, some cases are more serious than others.

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