4 wards allotted to Congress in DMK alliance in Trichy? | 4 wards allotted to Congress in Trichy?

by time news

Trichy: In urban local elections Trichy 4 wards have been allotted to the Congress in the Corporation Information As it turns out, talks are set to begin tomorrow (Jan. 31) and no decision has yet been made Congress Trichy Election Working Committee Members Said.

In the run-up to the urban local elections Trichy Designated in the district Congress Jerome Arokiaraj, Sujatha, Lenin Prasad and others on the election task force Trichy Veluchamy Congress The district office told reporters at the Arunachal Pradesh forum:

Tamil Nadu has asked the DMK to bring to the notice of the party upper house the details of how many wards to ask for and which wards they agree to allot and to sign the ward allotment agreement only after the party gives its approval. Congress Chairman KS Alagiri advised. But, Trichy In the district Congress The election task force has not yet held talks with the coalition-led DMK.

However, all the 3 district leaders of the party have arbitrarily consulted with the DMK. As a result, 4 wards will be allotted to the Congress Information Is coming. Thus, Congress The volunteers have been very disappointed and hurt.

The district leaders spoke to the DMK about the arbitrary ward allocation, an act that violated the party leadership. In this connection Tamil Nadu Congress Chairman KS Alagiri was brought to the attention of the insiders. Following this, on the advice of KS Alagiri, the election working committee will start talks tomorrow.

After independence Trichy The DMK once held the post of mayor until the formation of the corporation and the Congress for the rest of the term.

Since becoming a Trichy corporation, he has been the mayor of the Congress 3 times and the AIADMK once. Moreover, Congressmen won a significant number of all ward member elections held for the corporation.

Having a long background in Trichy Congress The alliance-led DMK should not see the party as other parties. Wards should not be allocated in the same number as other parties. Allocate more wards. Therefore, no decision has yet been made on the ward allocation for Congress. Negotiations with the DMK are about to begin. Congress should be treated equally in ward allocation during negotiations. ”

Female executive struggle ..

At the end of the meeting Congress Seva Dal State General Secretary S. Jegatheeswari, Congress He sat on the road and struggled for a while, insisting that the party should ask for more wards. Congress He said many, including himself, were planning to run independently if the party did not ask for more wards.

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