40 degrees possible – warning of high stress in the clinics

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Von: Karolin Schäfer, Sarah Neumeyer


In the coming days it will be really hot in many regions of Germany. Sometimes even tropical nights are expected. The fire brigade warns of forest fires.

Update from Wednesday, July 13, 10:45 a.m.: Federal Environment Minister Steffi Lemke is alarmed by the extreme temperatures expected in Germany. “Long-lasting temperatures of over 35 or even 40 degrees are stress for nature and a health risk for us humans, often life-threatening for the elderly, the sick and other vulnerable groups,” said the Green politician to the newspapers of the Funke media group. Lemke appealed to the municipalities: “Many more cities and municipalities should organize their precautionary measures with their own heat action plan,” she appealed to the municipalities.

Heat wave in Germany: There is a risk to the health of older people in particular. © Heike Lyding/Imago

In Germany, temperatures are expected to rise significantly over the course of the week. According to forecasts by the German Weather Service (DWD), people in the south-west in particular are likely to start sweating on Wednesday and Thursday due to the “Iosif” high. There he expects maximum values ​​​​of up to 34 degrees. After a short cool down at the weekend in the north and in the middle of Germany, the heat starts again at the start of the new week. In its ten-day forecast, the weather service believes that around 38 degrees is possible locally in the southwest next Tuesday, otherwise 30 to 36 degrees. Temperatures could also rise to 33 degrees in the north.

Gerald Gass, head of the German Hospital Society (DKG), fears an increasing burden on hospitals. “If the record values ​​​​that meteorologists are currently predicting for the next week really occur, we will have to reckon with a high number of heat-related hospital cases,” he told the editorial network Germany (RND).

Heat wave hits Germany: 40 degrees possible – fire brigade with warning

+++ 2.45 p.m.: Fire brigade experts warn of large vegetation fires in Germany due to persistent drought, wind and the heat expected in the next few days. “It is to be feared that the situation could become even more dangerous than in the disaster year 2018,” said Ulrich Cimolino, chairman of the forest fire working group in the German Fire Brigade Association (DFV), on Tuesday in Berlin. There, forest fires and drought in Europe had caused damage of 3.9 billion dollars.

The combination of high temperatures, drought and strong winds in particular could lead to fires developing quickly in the coming days, the DFV explained. In addition, in many regions, despite the rain, the ground is too dry, so that flames could spread faster. According to the German Weather Service (DWD), it will be very warm again in almost all parts of Germany. According to the DWD, the temperatures could even scratch the 35-degree mark locally on Wednesday and Thursday, especially in central and southern Germany. According to the DFV, the risk focus for extensive fires is therefore likely to be in the south-west and in a band several hundred kilometers wide to the north-east.

The experts appealed to people not to grill or smoke in the forest. From the beginning of March to the end of October this is forbidden in Germany. “Please use fixed places with sufficiently large non-combustible floor areas for this purpose,” said the DFV.

Heat wave in Germany: Temperatures around 40 degrees are harmful to health

Update from Tuesday, July 12, 1:00 p.m.: While the temperatures will rise to over 30 degrees in some cases in the coming days, the next severe heat wave will hit Germany from Sunday. The German Weather Service (DWD) warns of this. For several days it should then be up to 37 degrees hot. The 40-degree mark could even be cracked at the beginning of next week. It also stays hot at night – this is not only unpleasant, but also harmful to health – Health Minister Karl Lauterbach even warns of deaths. The CSU and the left are therefore demanding cold rooms for the population.

If the temperatures do not fall below 20 degrees at night, one speaks of tropical nights.

According to the Federal Environment Agency, tropical nights put particular strain on the human body and can lead to problems in the cardiovascular system. They also lead to an overload of the body’s cooling system, which could result in circulatory problems, headaches, exhaustion and drowsiness, according to the Federal Environment Agency. Older people and the chronically ill are particularly affected.

Summer weather: Another heat wave is imminent in many parts of Germany

First report from Monday, July 11, 4:00 p.m.: Offenbach – It’s getting hot again in large parts of Germany. Summer is back in full force. “High Iosif will ensure the beginning of a new heat wave in the coming days, which will affect northern Germany less severely,” announced meteorologist Simon Trippler from the German Weather Service (DWD) on Monday (July 11).

On Tuesday (July 12) and Wednesday (July 13) the high will still be placed over Central Europe and then bring increasingly hot air into the Federal Republic. According to the DWD, apart from direct coastal areas, maximum temperatures of 25 degrees or more can be expected.

Weather: Heat wave is rolling towards Germany – temperatures up to 35 degrees

In some regions, the temperatures are rising particularly sharply: in the west of the country there are already highs of 30 degrees and more on Tuesday, on Wednesday and Thursday the temperatures will also rise in many regions in the middle and south of Germany. In some areas, the pointer on the thermometer could even scratch the 35-degree mark, according to DWD forecasts. Noisy wetter.de it gets really hot in the middle of the week, especially in the Breisgau and on the High Rhine.

In the east, on the other hand, it doesn’t get quite as warm. In the north it looks similar with a maximum of 20 to 25 degrees. The sky is expected to be partly cloudy there on Wednesday, with weak showers to be expected locally. This is how the weather will be in the coming days:

Monday (July 11)18 to 27 degrees
Tuesday (July 12)20 to 32 degrees
Wednesday (July 13)20 to 34 degrees
Thursday (July 14)20 to 35 degrees
Friday (July 15)19 to 31 degrees
Saturday (July 16)20 to 32 degrees
Sunday (July 17)22 to 35 degrees
Monday (July 18)22 to 35 degrees
Source: DWD

Weather is expected to cool off towards the end of the week – the southwest will remain hot

“It will be hot throughout the country by the middle of the week,” said Jacqueline Kernn, meteorologist at the DWD, on Sunday (July 10). In the second half of the week there should be some cooling thanks to a cold front from the North Sea low Anij with isolated showers. In the north, the temperatures then “only” reach 18 to 24 degrees. “The southwest is excluded, where the hot air will probably stay,” says Kernn.

According to the information, the heat will then start again from Sunday (July 17) with a new high. Even if the extent of the weather has not yet been determined, it should be “strong to extreme in many places because it no longer cools down properly at night and some of them become tropical,” said Kernn.

The weather in Germany is too dry – the risk of forest fires is increasing

But it is always too dry in Germany. “We have a major drought problem in Germany,” said weather expert Dominik Jung von wetter.net. This increases the risk of forest fires. This was also confirmed by Kern from the DWD. “In some regions in western and southwestern Germany, not a drop has fallen this month,” said the meteorologist.

It will also remain hot in southern Europe. “The hotspot this week is southern Spain,” says meteorologist Andreas Friedrich. Up to 45 degrees are expected in the south of the Iberian Peninsula in the coming days. But that’s not unusual in the summer, said Friedrich. Italy is also currently being hit by an enormous heat wave. The water from Lake Garda is to be pumped out. (kas/dpa)

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