41 percent fear that their own economic situation will deteriorate

by time news

2023-12-22 05:40:41

Germans are heading into the coming year with subdued expectations regarding their own economic situation. In the current DeutschlandTrend for the ARD morning magazine, four out of ten respondents (41 percent/-1 percentage point) fear that they will personally be worse off economically in a year.

People whose financial situation is already not rosy are particularly pessimistic. In households with lower incomes (net household income below 1,500 euros) there is widespread concern that their economic situation will have worsened in a year (47 percent), only 9 percent expect that they will be doing better economically in a year than they are today.

AfD supporters are particularly pessimistic about their own prosperity (75 percent). However, as in December 2022, almost every second respondent (46 percent/-1 percentage point) does not expect major personal economic changes. Only one in eleven is convinced that he or she will personally be better off economically in a year.

Published/Updated: Recommendations: 5

One in ten fears loneliness at the holidays

Christmas and the New Year are traditionally celebrations that people want to spend with family or friends because the desire for closeness and community is particularly great then. But one in ten Germans (10 percent) are worried about feeling lonely during the upcoming holidays.

This concern is particularly pronounced among the 18-34 age group (17 percent) and older people over 65 years of age (10 percent). Above all, those who are not doing well economically are looking forward to the last days of December with mixed feelings. 25 percent of those surveyed with a monthly net household income of less than €1,500 are worried about feeling lonely during the holidays.

#percent #fear #economic #situation #deteriorate

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