42-year-old uncle arrested – Il Meridiano News

by time news

SAINT AGATHA OF THE GOTHS (BN) – A serious episode of domestic violence occurred in the Benevento area, where a 42-year-old man was arrested on charges of sexual abuse of his 15-year-old niece. The arrest occurred thanks to the promptness and courage of the young woman, who, despite the dramatic situation, managed to ask for help.

The incident occurred on July 31, while the girl was staying with her grandparents to spend part of her summer vacation. The grandparents had left the house and the girl’s father was busy at work, leaving the young girl alone. At that moment, her uncle, taking advantage of the situation, showed up at the house with the excuse of having a thorn removed from his finger, but instead tried to abuse her.

However, the fifteen-year-old showed great determination, managing to resist and have him go away, before sending desperate messages via WhatsApp to her mother, who lives in Northern Italy, and to her boyfriend, asking for help. These messages triggered a prompt response from the Carabinieri of the Sant’Agata de’ Goti station, who received the alert and immediately began investigations.

After listening to the young woman and her family members – including her father, the suspect’s brother, and her maternal aunt – the Carabinieri gathered detailed information about the incident. The girl described the violence she had suffered with great clarity, thus allowing the investigators to prepare a formal complaint.

The arrest warrant, issued by the investigating judge of the Court of Benevento at the request of the Public Prosecutor’s Office, was justified by the need to protect the victim and by the personality of the suspect, defined by the Public Prosecutor of Benevento, Aldo Policastro, as characterized by a “complete absence of inhibitions on libidinous instincts”, despite the family relationship with his niece.

The man is currently under house arrest, while the victim is receiving the support she needs to overcome the trauma.

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