43.8% of Basque workers with current agreements have partially or totally referenced the wage increase to the CPI

by time news

Workers of a Gipuzkoan company / wolf

The average increase agreed in the CAV in the first half is 4.79%, according to the CRL

Pilar Aranguren

In the midst of a debate on whether there should be an income pact in the face of the runaway rise in inflation, which ended June at 9.6% in the Basque Country (10.2% in the State as a whole), the CRL revealed this Thursday in its economic and labor report that 43.8% of Basque workers who have current agreements incorporate the CPI reference in its entirety or in a limited way for the calculation of wage increases to be applied this year, while 56.2 The remaining % has received a fixed salary increase, not linked to inflation and without revision clauses.

This was detailed this Thursday by the president of the socio-labour body, Tomás Arrieta, during the presentation of the Report, which summarizes the situation of labor relations in the CAV in 2021 and advances that of the first half of this year.

In it, it is reflected that the average salary increase agreed in the first half of this year in the agreements in force in the CAV is 3.75%, although it differs between those negotiated in Euskadi and those agreed in the area State with incidence in the Basque Country. Thus, the former show an average rise of 4.79% (4.13% in business and 5.10% in sectoral ones), while the latter remain at 2.28% (4.22% in those of company and 1.74% in the sectors).

In this regard, it emphasizes that the sectoral agreements signed in the CAV are the ones that include the greatest salary increases and also affect the largest number of people. In fact, the sectoral negotiation has been gaining ground in the last year. Thus, in 2021, 72.8% of the Basque working population depended on this area to determine their working conditions, while the remaining 27.2% negotiate their agreements in their companies, in an area that has been losing ground.

The Basque area of ​​negotiation is recovered

Likewise, Tomás Arrieta has highlighted that the Basque collective bargaining area is recovering by registering 258 agreements last year, which meant the renewal of the conditions of 118,142 workers. Within the CAV, the number of registered agreements was greater (186 agreements, 13 sectoral and 173 company) than in the state agreement with incidence in the CAV (72 registered). Although if the affected population is taken into account, the differences are smaller, with 61,345 people involved in the case of those signed in Euskadi compared to 56,797 of those at the state level with incidence in our community.

In 2021 there was also an increase in labor conflict, with a greater number of strikes (248 conflicts), although the number of participants was reduced. On the other hand, the conflicts presented to Preco decreased, but in this case with an increase in those affected.

The conflict was concentrated above all in industry with 40.7% of the processes, 54.1% of those affected and 80.9% of the days not worked. The services were responsible for 54.1% of the strikes, 42.2% of the participants and 17% of the days lost. For its part, construction brought together 5.2% of the conflicts, 3.7% of the participants and 2.1% of the days not worked.

With regard to hiring, the report notes that in the first semester and as a result of the labor reform that promoted fixed hiring, it has increased significantly. Specifically, affiliates with a full-time indefinite contract have risen by 10.1% in the Basque Country, 25.7% with a part-time indefinite contract and 62% with a discontinuous permanent contract. Consequently, affiliates with a temporary full-time contract (-20.6%) and part-time (-32.2%) have decreased.

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