4th edition of the national “Génération Solidaire” prize: 27 award-winning cooperatives

by times news cr

Selected from 217 applications, these cooperatives, which stood out for their strong economic, social and environmental impact, cover various sectors such as agriculture, crafts, medicinal plants, services, as well as ecological tourist entertainment projects.

This edition, organized under the theme “Young people: Creators of a new generation of cooperatives” on the sidelines of the International Day of Cooperatives, highlights the dynamism and innovation of young cooperators aged 18 to 35.

In a speech read on her behalf by the Secretary General of the Ministry, Mohamed Msellek, the Minister of Tourism, Handicrafts and Social and Solidarity Economy, Fatim-Zahra Ammor, indicated that the cooperative model is fully in line with the objectives of the new development model (NMD) of Morocco which aspires for the social and solidarity economy to represent 8% of the GDP by 2035 and the creation of more than 50,000 new jobs.

“Achieving these goals requires structured, dynamic and innovative cooperative organizations,” the minister noted, stressing the importance of this award launched in 2021 which aims to promote the crucial role of cooperatives in local and national development.

And to add: “The effectiveness of the cooperative model for the empowerment of young people and women is no longer in doubt, which is why we will continue to financially and technically support the development of Moroccan cooperatives.”

For her part, the general director of ODCO, Aicha Errifaai, highlighted the conviction of young people who, according to her, have all the necessary assets to transform the classic cooperative model into a dynamic, structured and innovative model, capable of having a more significant impact.

The selection of the award-winning cooperatives was based on various criteria, including innovation, creativity and environmental preservation, she explained, noting that the award is not limited to financial support, but also includes ongoing support to ensure that the projects see the light of day and have a positive impact on social, economic and environmental levels.

For his part, the Wali-National Coordinator of the National Initiative for Human Development (INDH), Mohammed Dardouri, insisted on the commitment of the INDH to continue supporting cooperatives, by developing marketing platforms, both physical and digital, to ensure increased visibility and broader access to markets.

Since its launch in 2021, the national “Génération Solidaire” prize has rewarded a total of 125 youth cooperatives. Each received financial support of 50,000 DH, thanks to a partnership between the ministry, the ODCO and institutional and private partners.

The partners of this 4th edition are the Regional Councils of Fez-Meknes, Guelmim-Oued-Noun, Oriental and Dakhla-Oued Eddahab, the OCP Foundation, Jaida, Dar Al Moukawil, CIH Bank, Crédit Agricole and Copag.

“Génération Solidaire” provides support and financial backing to the most innovative and sustainable cooperative projects, led by young people, and generating a significant impact on the economic, social and environmental levels. The objective is to promote the cooperative fabric among young people, as an ideal model in the economic empowerment of young people.

2024-08-24 10:44:14

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