These projects, including two major investment projects carried out by the OCP group and carried out as part of the group’s green investment program, presented to His Majesty King Mohammed VI in December 2022, should enable the creation of more than 14,500 jobs. , including 1,900 direct and 12,600 indirect, indicates a press release from the Department of the Head of Government.
The main sectors concerned by the approved projects are chemicals/parachemistry and mining, which represent respectively 60% and 38% of the total amount approved. The other projects concern the automotive and higher education sectors.
The chemistry/parachemistry sector is the main provider of jobs among the projects approved at this committee meeting, with the creation of more than 9,600 direct and indirect jobs, or more than 67% of total jobs, followed by the mining sector, up to 30% and the automobile sector, up to 2.5%.
Furthermore, CNI No. 4 granted “strategic character” to 5 new projects, in the sectors of electric mobility and the production of equipment relating to renewable energies. These projects will be submitted for study by a specialized technical commission before their final approval by the CNI.
Quoted by the press release, the Head of Government reaffirmed, during the meeting, the priority that the government gives to supporting national investment and the creation of employment opportunities, emphasizing the attachment of government to provide support for investment which mainly motivates national companies.
And added that the government is working to direct investments towards priority sectors and professions of the future, to reduce the disparities between the prefectures and provinces of the Kingdom in terms of attracting investment, and to work to establish Morocco as a continental and international hub for foreign direct investments.
The Minister of Economy and Finance, Nadia Fettah, the Minister of Equipment and Water, Nizar Baraka, the Minister of Agriculture and Maritime Fisheries took part in this 4th meeting of the commission. , Rural Development and Water and Forests, Mohamed Sadiki, Minister of Economic Inclusion, Small Business, Labor and Skills, Younes Sekkouri, the Minister of Industry and Commerce, Ryad Mezzour, the Minister of Tourism, Crafts, Social and Solidarity Economy, Fatima Zahra Ammor, the Minister Delegate to the Head of Government in charge of Investment , Convergence and Evaluation of Public Policies, Mohcine Jazouli, as well as the Director General of the Moroccan Agency for the Development of Investments and Exports, Ali Sadiki.