5.4% increase in the mileage allowance scale

by time news

This tax measure concerns 2 million taxed French households using their personal vehicle for professional purposes.

By VD with AFP

Inflation is cutting into the purchasing power of the French (photo illustration).
Inflation is cutting into the purchasing power of the French (photo illustration).

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Lhe government will “exceptionally” increase the scale of the mileage allowance “by 5.4%”, a tax measure which concerns 2 million taxable households using their personal vehicle for professional purposes, announced Wednesday the Minister Delegate for Public Accounts, Gabriel Attal. “We are going to exceptionally increase the mileage allowance for the French who have to use their car to go to work”, declared Gabriel Attal on the set of the show. It’s up to you, on France 5.

This scale had already been raised by 10% in January 2022, a boost for employees who opt for the deduction from their taxable income of their actual travel costs (instead of the allowance), such as fuel expenses, bonuses insurance or maintenance costs. This new revaluation, which relates to 2022 income, “can represent more than 100 euros for a single person who earns 2,900 euros”, Bercy told AFP. It represents a cost for the State of 140 million euros.

A fuel allowance

“I think that our action must be directed above all towards these French people, this working middle class, which has the feeling that more and more is being asked of it, either for others who cannot work, or for public services that are deteriorating while it is financed by their taxes, “said Gabriel Attal.

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Faced with inflation which is eating into the purchasing power of the French, the government had also implemented a fuel allowance of 100 euros for the 10 million poorest tax households using their car to go to work, replacing the general rebate at the pump which ceased at the end of 2022.

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