5 amazing fat-burning drinks. Get to know them

by time news

apple cider vinegar (iStock)

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Weight gain is an increasingly common problem in today’s day and age, and it occurs as a result of the lifestyle that is prevalent among most of the people.

There are many approved solutions to address this problem, and fat burning drinks are one of the most important solutions.

Losing weight improves overall health and reduces the risk of diabetes, heart disease, osteoporosis, difficulty breathing during sleep, certain types of cancer, and stroke.

Fat burning drinks also help improve blood sugar levels, cholesterol levels, and lower blood pressure. In addition to reducing joint pain and back pain, it also improves energy levels, sleep, confidence, mood and sex life.

Fat burning drinks

You can have fat burning drinks designed to help you reach your health goals.

These drinks will help you get rid of the hunger pangs that make you binge on unhealthy junk food. But you have to be patient, as it takes your body some time to adjust to the new diet before you start to see results.

Belly fat accumulation

Apple cider vinegar to burn fat

Apple cider vinegar is the best fat burning drink for many. One study published in Bioscience, Biotechnology, and Biochemistry showed the benefit of fat-burning drinks made with apple cider vinegar. The research asked 144 obese adults to consume one or two tablespoons of this drink for 12 weeks on a daily basis. At the end of the study, the participants who drank one tablespoon lost 1.1 kg, while those who drank two tablespoons of the drink lost 1.81 kg.

The main component of apple cider vinegar is acetic acid, which targets body fat by increasing the metabolism in the body.

This drink is also known to stabilize blood sugar levels. As a result, you will have more control over your cravings, thus consuming fewer calories.

Organic Apple Cider Vinegar – iStock

It is very easy to include apple cider vinegar in your diet. Before eating breakfast, mix one tablespoon of this drink with one glass of water and drink it, also make sure not to take more than two tablespoons. Due to the high acidity of this drink, it can damage tooth enamel and irritate the throat.

The best time to drink apple cider vinegar fat burning drink is before eating a meal, as it helps to reduce overeating.

Green tea

Another drink that is included in the list of fat burning drinks is green tea which is known all over the world for its antioxidant properties, which makes it a great choice to maintain your health.

Green tea contains two main ingredients; Caffeine and catechin, both of which boost the amount of energy your body uses, and help break down fat molecules. And due to the natural diuretic properties of green tea, it also helps with fluid retention.

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Make sure to drink at least two to three cups of green tea daily. Keep in mind that this amount depends on your body’s natural metabolic rate.

To prepare this fat burning drink, pour boiling water over green tea and let it brew for one to three minutes before straining the leaves.

Green Tea – iStock

Fat burning drink recipes

In addition to adopting fat burning drinks in your diet, make sure to exercise every day to increase the effect of these drinks.

Here are 5 drinks that help burn fat and how to prepare them.

1. Apple cider vinegar with berries and lemon

● 2 tablespoons of frozen berries
● 1 tablespoon of lemon juice
● 1 tablespoon of apple cider vinegar
● Snow and water
● 1 tablespoon honey (optional)
Put the berries in a cup of your choice, mash them using a spoon and add honey to taste. Add the lemon juice and apple cider vinegar to the glass before adding the ice and water. Mix all ingredients with a spoon for at least a minute before eating.

Lemon water – iStock

2. Cinnamon and honey

● 2 tablespoons of cinnamon
● 1 tablespoon of honey
● 1 cup or 250 ml of warm water
Heat the water and add cinnamon to it, and before adding honey to the water, make sure to cool it for at least half an hour, as heat inactivates the powerful enzymes present in honey. Mix all the ingredients well and then enjoy the drink.


3. Grapefruit with cucumber

● 1 option
● 1 sliced ​​lemon
● 1 medium sized grapefruit
● 1 cup / 250 ml water
Chop all the ingredients, add them to the blender along with the water, and blend everything until smooth.

4. Lemon and ginger water

● 1 cup / 250 ml cold water
● Half a teaspoon of roasted cumin powder
● 1 teaspoon lemon juice
● Half a piece of ginger
Cut the ginger into small pieces, add it to the blender with cold water, and blend these ingredients until smooth. Pour the mixture into a cup, add the roasted cumin powder and lemon juice to it and mix the ingredients well before eating.


5. Green tea with mint and lemon

● 1 cup / 250 ml hot water
● 6-7 mint leaves
● 2 tbsp green tea leaves
● 1 whole lemon

Add water and mint leaves to a pot of your choice, then heat the water until it starts to boil, for at least five minutes. Turn off the heat and add the green tea leaves, then let it steep for at least five minutes. Remove the leaves with the help of a strainer and pour it into a cup, and drink it while it is hot to ensure results.

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