5 benefits of eating plant-based protein, milk allergies can eat!

by time news

Tell me more! Healthy type, health type, must know 5 benefitsfrom eating plant protein People allergic to milk can eat it! reduce the risk of disease

Many of you may have heard about eating healthy food, which is a matter of concern. eating plant protein (Plant-based Protein) certain! Today we will come to know about. 5 benefits of eating plant-based protein People allergic to milk can eat it! Reduce the risk of serious diseases such as cardiovascular disease, cancer and stroke, etc.


benefits of plant protein

1. Help reduce bad cholesterol levels (Low-Density Lipoprotein: LDL).

which is the cause of many serious illnesses and diseases such as cardiovascular disease and ischemic heart disease (Heart Attack) that is dangerous in patients with heart disease. The risk of cardiovascular disease is reduced. And some plants have certain properties that stimulate the body to produce good cholesterol or good fat. (High-Density Lipoprotein: HDL), especially nuts such as

  • almonds
    • According to scientific data, Regular intake of good fats reduces the level of cholesterol in the blood. Prevent the occurrence of stroke and heart disease.

There is also a study that encourages heart disease patients to eat a plant-based diet or a plant-based diet. May contribute to the maintenance of the heart and circulatory system. Effectively relieves symptoms and prevents heart failure.

2. help longevity

In one study that asked people to change their eating habits, By increasing the proportion of plant-based foods and plant-based proteins such as beans, nuts. and less refined grains (Whole Grain). The results showed that have a lower death rate as well as help reduce drug use and have a positive effect on health in patients with many chronic diseases It also reduces the risk of cancer and mortality from heart disease.

3. Lose weight

Plant foods are often low in calories. This reduces the risk of excess energy. and high in fiber Thereby reducing the level of fat accumulation within the body that is another cause of weight gain.

4. High vitamins

Fruits and vegetables are good sources of vitamins and minerals. Including antioxidants that help slow down the deterioration of cells in the body. and enhance the functioning of the body in many ways

5. Reduce global warming

Although this is not directly related to health, it may have an indirect effect. This is because many plant-based food industries emit less greenhouse gases into the atmosphere than meat and livestock industries. This may help delay the damage to the environment and air quality.

plant-based protein sources

  • Dried beans (Legumes)

Dried beans are easily available for consumption. Can cook a variety of dishes They are high in nutrients, including vitamins, minerals and protein, with 1 cup of cooked legumes providing 9 grams of protein.

  • nuts

Nuts are a high-protein snack with good fat content. Well-known examples of nuts include almonds, cashews, pistachios, walnuts, and hazelnuts. A quarter cup, or a small handful, may provide about 5-6 grams of protein.

  • Quinoa

Quinoa is often eaten as a rice substitute because it provides both complex carbohydrates and protein, with 1 cup of quinoa providing about 8 grams of protein.

  • Chia seeds

Chia seeds are seeds that look like basil seeds. Before eating, it should be soaked in water first. High in fiber and high in protein, 35 grams of chia seeds provide about 6 grams of protein.

  • soybean

Soy and soy products such as tofu and soy milk It is a source of plant-based protein that Thai people are familiar with and are easy to find. 3 ounces (85 grams) of soybean tofu provides about 8 grams of protein, while 1 cup (240 milliliters) of soy milk provides 7 grams. This may be an alternative to cow’s milk.

  • Black Beans and Red Beans

Both beans are high-protein grains that are easy to find. Especially in the dessert menu and soy milk. A half cup of black and kidney beans may provide about 5 grams of protein.

  • Peanut Butter or Peanut Butter

Peanut butter is a product made from peanuts. Commonly spread on toast, 2 tablespoons of peanut butter may provide 7 grams of protein. Peanut butter also contains fiber and healthy fats. But some brands of peanut butter may be high in sugar or contain certain ingredients that can stimulate the production of bad fats. Therefore, you should choose products that are sugar free or less sugar. And eat in the right amount for safety in consumption.

How much protein should we get in a day?

which general people like us should get the protein 1 gram per 1 kg of body weight per day Ever, which, if eaten as beans, would have to eat quite a bit, so for more comfortable eating Nowadays, various products are born. About Plenty of Plant-Based Protein Today, we take it as an example in case it is another option for people who want to eat plant-based protein.

Benefit protein

  • price : 3080 baht / jar
  • price/sachet 3.7 baht
  • taste : There are 3 flavors: soy (yellow box), mixed berry (pink box), decaffeinated coffee (blue box), a total of 3 flavors (green box).
  • calorie : 90 Kcal
  • review : This one is high protein from 4 types of plants extracted from soybeans, peas, pumpkin, riceberry. The taste will not be very bland because of the sweetness from the stevia. Diabetic patients can definitely drink. This one has 13 types of vitamins as well. If anyone wants to lose weight, it has to be this one. Recommended to try the soy flavor, very fragrant!

SOULSIS Plant Protein

  • price : 1,390 baht / pack
  • price/sachet 3.9 baht
  • taste : There are 4 flavors to choose from: Chocolate Lover, Berry Bang, Coffee Delight, and Vanilla Bliss.
  • calorie : 160 Kcal
  • review : This one is high protein from 3 types of plants extracted from organic yellow peas, brown rice and soybean isolate. The taste is delicious but the price is quite expensive compared to the sachet. Suitable for people who build muscle

Nutrilite all plant protein

  • price 1330 baht / jar
  • price/sachet 2 baht
  • taste : Berry Flavor , Green Tea , Chocolate and All Plant Protein
  • calorie : 80 Kcal
  • review : This one is a protein from 3 types of plants, including soy protein extract, wheat protein extract. and pea protein extract This one tastes bland and the smell of soy is quite obvious.

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