5 causes of teenage pregnancy

by time news

From the pubertybegins the process of Physical changes that turns the girl into an adult capable of sexual reproduction. This does not mean, however, that the niƱa this ready to be a mother. He teen pregnancy has become a public health problem in Mexico.

Figures from the National Population Council (CONAPO) reveal that, around 40% of unwanted or planned pregnancies occur in young people between the ages of 15 and 19, the same period in which the highest number of maternal and child deaths.

According to the National Health Survey (ENSANUT 2012), more than 60% of young people who had their first sexual relationship before the age of 19 They did not use any kind of contraceptive method.

According to data from the World Health Organization (WHO)los babies of mothers under 20 years of age face a 50% higher risk of prenatal mortality or to die in the first weeks of life than the babies of women between the ages of 20 and 29.

What are the causes of teenage pregnancy?

5 causes of teenage pregnancy. Photo: iStock

How much more young Be the madregreater the risk to the baby. In addition, the newborns of teenage mothers they have one greater probability of registering low birth weightwith the consequent risk of long-term effects.

Las most common causes of teenage pregnancy son:

1. The practice of sexual relations by young people without contraceptive methods.

2. The early marriage and the gender role traditionally assigned to women.

3. The peer pressurewhich encourage adolescents to have sexual relations.

4. The consumption of alcoholic beverages and other drugs, produce a reduction in inhibition, which can stimulate unwanted sexual activity.

5. Lack of sufficient information and knowledge about the contraceptive methods and not having easy access to their acquisition, as well as the lack of a good sex education.

In addition to the above reasons, it is considered that there are some risk factor’s:

1. The early onset of menarche (first menstruation).

2. Family disintegration.

3. early sexual relations.

4. Sexual freedom.

5. Search for a relationship.

6. Particular circumstances such as prostitution, rape, incest and adolescents with mental problems.

What are the causes and consequences of a teenage pregnancy?

The consequences can be physical or emotional and social. For example:

Increased risk of pregnancy complications: There may be premature labor, preeclampsia, anemia, among others.

Increased risk of school dropout: Adolescents who become pregnant may find it difficult to continue with their studies and finish their education.

Financial difficulties: They may not have a stable job and must cover the expenses associated with caring for the baby.

Emotional and social changes: Pregnancy can have a significant impact on the life of an adolescent, affecting her self-esteem, her relationship with her friends and family, and her prospects for the future.

Increased risk of having more children prematurely: Adolescents who have a child early may be at greater risk of having more children early, which can further affect their education and ability to care for their children.

How can early pregnancy be prevented?

5 causes of teenage pregnancy. Photo: iStock

The early pregnancy prevention is crucial to ensure the physical, emotional and social well-being of adolescents. Some ways of prevent teen pregnancy include:

Sex education: It is important that adolescents receive comprehensive and appropriate sexuality education, including information on contraception and the prevention of sexually transmitted diseases (STDs).

Access to contraceptive methods: It is important that adolescents have access to a variety of contraceptive methods, including condoms, birth control pills, patches, intrauterine devices (IUDs), and emergency contraception. These must be available in an affordable and confidential manner.

Promote open communication: Parents and caregivers should encourage open communication with adolescents about sexuality and pregnancy prevention.

Strengthen self-esteem and healthy decision-making: Adolescents should be encouraged to make healthy decisions and have good self-esteem to avoid situations of social pressure.

Foster respect and equality: It is important to promote respect and equality between the sexes to reduce social pressure and sexual harassment.

In short, the teen pregnancy prevention requires a combination of sex educationaccess to contraceptive methodsopen communication, reinforcement of self-esteem and healthy decision-making, and promotion of respect and equality.

Due to the above, it is considered that prevent teen pregnancy a complete one is necessary sex educationaccess to contraception and support for parents of adolescents to talk with their children about sex and contraception.

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