5 Foods for Extra Energy: What to Eat (and Avoid) for a Productive Day

by time news

2023-06-13 18:00:23

Equipped waking we all want, but we don’t get that recommended eight hours of sleep every night. It is easy to make yourself a large cup of coffee, but you can also get some extra energy from the following foods.

What not to eat

First things first. In principle, your body gets energy from all the calories you eat, but your body can also experience a significant dip after ingesting certain foods. From a survey of the platform Physiology & Behavior shows that sugary, fatty or processed food can cause enormous fatigue and lack of motivation. And that while you feel like eating unhealthy food when you’re tired. But with a little discipline you will get further. So advises nutritionist Amy Shapiro recommend eating the following foods, which will prevent your blood sugar from spike (which causes that tired feeling).


If you don’t rinse canned beans properly, they can make you windy, but beans are great for getting some extra energy out of. Moreover, they fit in a gluten-free, lactose-free and vegan diet. “Beans are high in protein and fiber,” Shapiro shares The Thirty. “That is a magical combination for a lot of energy. It stabilizes your blood sugar and your energy skyrockets.”

Chia seeds

Remember when eating chia seeds was all the rage because it was such a superfood? Well, it rightly deserved that status. The seeds are rich in nutrients such as iron, omega-3, fiber and protein. “They keep your blood sugar in balance and you already experience those benefits if you only eat a tablespoon of chia seeds,” says Shapiro. Chia seeds are easy to include in your diet. You can add it to your cottage cheese, smoothie, pancake batter or your oatmeal.


Are you looking for an ingredient with which you can take dishes such as a salad or risotto to a higher level and give yourself some extra energy? Then you could opt for salmon. “Salmon is rich in omega-3 fatty acids, which also help keep your brain healthy,” Shapiro explains.

Brazil nuts

Snacking on a handful of nuts is always a good idea, they are rich in healthy fats and taste great. If you have to cut down by three o’clock in the afternoon, it is best to opt for Brazil nuts. These are rich in selenium. It may not tell you much, but this trace element protects red blood cells and cells against damage and ensures proper functioning of the thyroid gland.


One of Shapiro’s favorite foods? Those are eggs. “It’s the perfect protein with all ten essential amino acids and choline,” she explains. They also ensure that you are full for a long time, so that you are less likely to choose unhealthy and fast snacks.

Bron: The Thirty | Beeld: Le Creuset (Unsplash)

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