5 good reasons to choose plastic surgery

by time news

Despite the fact that many people are still critical of it, plastic surgery is something that is becoming more and more common. Just look at Hollywood where almost no actress of 40 years or older has gone without work. Although there is a hashtag #married couples going around on social media, it is good to realize that it is great if you are happy with your body the way it is, but it can also be there if you are not happy with it. There is, of course, a difference between necessary procedures, minor cosmetic procedures and procedures performed by one person all over the body.

Saggy breasts after pregnancy

It’s something very natural: sagging breasts (after pregnancy). And plenty of women are okay with that, but if you don’t, a breast lift can bring relief. Happiness is a great asset for (new) mothers and if a better body image can contribute to this, it is very important to do something about it. And Norwegian research shows that five years after their cosmetic procedure, patients are more satisfied with their operated body part than before.

Breasts can also droop after weight loss and in some cases a breast lift is desirable after the removal of breast implants.

Saggy eyelids that impair vision

A drooping eyelid can seriously affect someone’s self-image, but in some cases is also a physical hindrance. A drooping eyelid can make people see less or worse. Causes of drooping eyelids include dermatochalasis (a medical condition in the skin) or ptosis (an abnormality of the eyelid muscle). Eyelids also droop more as a result of aging, or it can be the result of an accident, after surgery or from long-term use of contact lenses.

If a drooping eyelid or the drooping eyelids affect vision, it is important to do something about it. And optical reasons are also an excellent reason to finally do something about it by means of an eyelid correction.

Sagging belly skin after weight loss or pregnancy

Sagging abdominal skin is a natural consequence of pregnancy, weight loss or simply aging. Often the muscles of the abdominal wall also relax and a potbelly develops. A tummy tuck is sometimes medically necessary and sometimes cosmetically necessary. Of course it’s perfectly normal not to do anything about it. Very nice even if you don’t think it’s necessary. But if you do, a tummy tuck is a low-risk surgery that can deliver great results.

More confidence with bigger breasts

The body changes a lot after weight loss or pregnancy. In addition to loose belly skin and sagging breasts, the breasts often also become smaller. Many women in the Netherlands undergo a breast augmentation: on an annual basis there are more than 3,000. Women who want to be more confident in themselves can – with the exception of women with body dismorphic disorder (BDD) – be more confident in themselves when they look in the mirror with breast augmentation or lipofilling. A breast augmentation is not about getting the largest breasts, but about what you like, what makes you feel good and what suits you and your personality. It should make you happier than without it. Happiness is a great good and if a better self-image through a cosmetic procedure can contribute to this, it is good to think about it.

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