5 Haedar Nashir's messages on Muhammadiyah's anniversary in Jakarta

by time news

2023-12-03 09:20:00


General Chairperson of PP Muhammadiyah Prof Dr KH Haedar Nashir, M.Sc. while giving a speech at the 111th anniversary of Muhammadiyah in Jakarta, Sunday 3 December 2023. Photo/Illustration: MHY

JAKARTA – General Chairperson of the Muhammadiyah Central Leadership, Haedar Nashir, delivered 5 messages to Muhammadiyah members and administrators during the 111th Muhammadiyah Anniversary celebration held by the DKI Jakarta Muhammadiyah Regional Leadership today, Sunday 3 December 2023.

The anniversary, which was held at the Taman Mini Indonesia Indah Padepokan Pencak Silat GOR, East Jakarta, was attended by at least 5,000 Muhammadiyah members and administrators from regions, branches, branches and autonomous organizations throughout DKI Jakarta.

FirstHaedar Nashir advised, as an Islamic movement, Muhammadiyah must continue to revive the spirit of spirituality and religiosity of religious life for all the lives of Muhammadiyah members.

He reminded the great challenges of today's young generation, from drug problems to LGBT problems. “Muhammadiyah must be present in instilling religious values,” said Haedar.

According to him, in urban areas like Jakarta, quite a few people experience dry souls and dry hearts. They are depressed so they need to be instilled with the best religious values, namely a religion that is Hanif and based on monotheism.

According to him, Hanif religions radiate the religious treasures of al-hanafiyat as-samhah as per the hadith of the Prophet:

On the authority of Ibn Abbas, he said: It was said to the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace,
“Which religion is most beloved to God?” said the tolerant Hanifiyyah.

It means: “The Prophet SAW was asked, “Which religion is most loved by Allah? So he said al-haanifiyyah as-samhah.” (HR Imam Ahmad from Ibnu Abbas). In another hadith redaction, the Prophet said, “Wa inni ursiltu bi-hanifiyati as-samhah“, that “Indeed, I was sent for a straight and generous religion(HR Imam Ibn Hanbal).

SecondHaedar's next message was that Muhammadiyah administrators and residents should always prosper the mosques in the branches so that they become a guiding force in the lives of the residents. Smarten, enlighten and prosper citizens at the grassroots towards a Progressive Society. Revitalize the Sakinah Family as an important institution in a major civilized society!

Embrace the community as much as possible. Awaken the ethos of the congregation and community members to become a religious, social, intelligent, knowledgeable and empowered community in various aspects of life.

Develop cooperation and ta'awun between residents and congregations so that they become collective people who want to share and care for each other.

Third, Haedar reminded, Muhammadiyah is present with charitable efforts in the fields of education, social, health, economics and others. So improve the quality of existing business charities. Then develop the business into even better charities, for example by strengthening the economic sector, etc.

Fourth, revitalizing the movement. Haedar advised that there must be an update on organizational governance. The organizational system must be developed into a modern organization that continuously adapts to developments in science and technology. “Don't be old school,” he said.

Fifth, human resource transformation. This means that Muhammadiyah should always protect and care for our young people. They will be the future of Muhammadiyah.

Muhammadiyah is recorded as having spread across 35 provinces in Indonesia and even has branches in 30 countries. The charities owned by Muhammadiyah include 172 universities (consisting of 83 universities, 53 high schools, 36 other forms), 122 hospitals (plus 20 hospitals in the process of being built), 231 clinics, 5345 schools/madrasas, 440 Islamic boarding schools, 1,012 social institutions (orphanages, etc.), 20,465 waqf assets, and at least 214,742,677 m2 of land.

“All of this is for the glory of the Muslim Ummah as well as to educate the nation. The progress and decline of this nation depends, among other things, on Muhammadiyah,” said Haedar Nashir.

Now, Muhammadiyah is 111 years old. Gratitude is only to God because for His grace the Islamic organization of Kyai Haji Ahmad Dahlan's precious heritage continues to be guarded by the spirit of the movement in carrying out the main mission of da'wah and tajdid towards the realization of Khaira Ummah.


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