5 ideal medical tests and the function of each one

by time news

2023-09-29 18:00:16

Cardiovascular diseases cause one death every two minutes in Mexico.
From the electrocardiogram to the computed tomography are some of the main ones to know the state of cardiac health.
On July 21, 1988, the first heart transplant was performed in Mexico.

For years, cardiovascular diseases have been the leading cause of death in the world. The change in lifestyle has made these types of pathologies increasingly common and now even occur in young adults. With this in mind, to know the status of the heart health personnel there are specific tests that everyone must undergo.

In that sense, the Dr. Tariq Dayahwho is an interventional cardiologist at Hospital Houston Methodist, mentions that these heart tests are necessary for people with unexplained chest pains, palpitations, shortness of breath, weakness or fatigue. Although

They are sometimes used to detect heart problems or in planning treatment for an already diagnosed heart condition. Broadly speaking, there are five different ones that are useful to identify the status of the patient’s cardiac health.

1. Electrocardiogram

An electrocardiogram is a very useful and inexpensive routine cardiac screening test. It is used as a baseline check of a person’s heart to help diagnose symptoms such as chest pain and palpitations. It is often referred to as an ECG or, more commonly, an EKG.

What is an ECG?

An electrocardiogram can be performed in the doctor’s office. It helps detect the electrical activity of the heart, recording information about the heart rate. An abnormal rhythm can be a sign that the heart is not working properly for some reason.

What does an ECG show?

The ECG determines whether the heart rhythm is regular or irregular. It can also help diagnose:

• An irregular heart rhythm (arrhythmia), atrial fibrillation (AFib), atrial flutter, or heart block
• Heart disease
• Heart attack (current or previous)
• Heart failure

2. Echocardiogram

Patients are used to hearing the word ultrasound and thinking of a baby photo taken during pregnancy but an echocardiogram is also an ultrasound, but in this case, it is of the image of the heart.

What is an echocardiogram?

Also known as cardiac ultrasound or echo. It is based on the use of sound waves to create images of the heart. There are two main types:

• Transthoracic echocardiogram: the most common type, in which the heart is viewed from outside the body through the view of the thoracic cavity
• Transesophageal echocardiogram: used when a more detailed image is needed, it views the heart from the point of view of the esophagus.

What does an echocardiogram show?

Through an echocardiogram the heart can be visualized in real time. With this, you can evaluate whether there are problems with the valves, walls, and muscle tissue, as well as how efficiently blood flows. An echocardiogram can help diagnose:

• Heart valve disease
• Structural heart defects, such as adult congenital heart disease (ACHD)
• Abnormalities in the heart muscle, such as cardiomyopathy
• Heart failure
• Blood clots in the heart

3. Cardiac stress test

A stress test is a fairly simple and easily accessible test that helps evaluate whether the heart is functioning optimally.

What is a stress test?

A stress test uses an ECG to measure how the heart responds during physical or chemical stimulation. There are three types of cardiac stress tests.

• Stress test: the heart is stimulated through treadmill activity
• Chemical stress test: For people who cannot exercise on a treadmill, the heart is stimulated by an intravenous injectable medication
• Nuclear perfusion stress test: A more sensitive test, the heart is stimulated through exercise or a chemical stress test, but imaging is also performed to visualize blood flow

A cardiac stress test can help diagnose:

• Coronary artery disease
• An arrhythmia (irregular heart rhythm), such as atrial fibrillation (AFib), atrial flutter, or heart block
• Heart valve disease

4. Cardiac CT Scan

A CT scan is a compilation of several x-ray images that are digitally combined to create a cross section of the part of the body being photographed.

What is a cardiac CT scan?

In this case, the CT scanner is used to form a detailed 3D view of the heart and arteries. There are two types of cardiac CT scans:

• CT calcium scoring test: Also known as cardiac calcium CT scan or cardiac scan, a screening tool used to help determine a person’s risk for heart disease, heart attack, and stroke
• CT angiography: Also known as contrast-enhanced cardiac CT, a non-invasive alternative to traditional catheter-based coronary angiography.

What does a calcium score test show?

A calcium score test helps visualize the buildup of plaque, cholesterol-containing deposits that can clog arteries and decrease blood flow to the heart. This can increase the risk of heart disease and ultimately heart attack and stroke.

What does a CT angiogram show?

During a CT angiography, contrast dye injected intravenously is used to visualize the arteries that supply blood to the heart, showing any narrowing or blockages that may exist.

A negative CT angiography rules out the concern. However, if a blockage is detected, a second procedure called coronary angioplasty may be required to treat it.

5. Coronary angiography

A coronary angiogram is the gold standard for diagnosing a blockage in an artery that supplies blood to the heart. It’s an invasive test, so you must have convincing evidence that blockage is likely, whether it’s an abnormal stress test, ECG, or CT angiography, or that the person’s symptoms are severe enough.

What is an angiogram?

Similar to a CT angiogram, a traditional angiogram uses contrast dye and an x-ray to help visualize the coronary arteries. What’s different, however, is that the dye is administered through a catheter, a thin, flexible tube that an interventional cardiologist passes through the arteries to the specific point of interest. The procedure is done in what is called a cardiac catheterization laboratory.

What does an angiogram show?

Through this detailed view of the heart’s arteries, a coronary angiogram helps identify whether plaque buildup has caused a narrowing in any arteries, an indication of coronary artery disease. Locks can also be viewed and the extent of the lock determined.

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#ideal #medical #tests #function

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