5 juices to lower uric acid fast

by time news

He uric acid can cause discomfort in the body when in elevated levels. Meet some healthy juice recipes that they can help you lower uric acid fast. Consult your doctor beforehand so as not to put your health at risk.

He uric acid is a chemical produced when the body breaks down purines, which are substances present in many foods and in the cells of the body. This substance is produced mainly in the liver y is eliminated from the body through the kidneys in the form of urine.

In some people, the uric acid accumulates in the body and can form crystals which are deposited in the joints y cause inflammation and paingiving rise to a disease known as drop.

Also, the excess uric acid in the body can also lead to kidney stone formation and other health complications.

Los uric acid levels in the body can be affected by factors such as diethe alcohol consumptionhe body weightthe genetics and certain diseases. He treatment of elevated uric acid levels may include dietary changes, medicines and other therapeutic approaches depending on the underlying cause.

What to eat for breakfast if I have high uric acid

5 juices to lower uric acid fast. Photo: iStock

If you have elevated uric acid levels in the bloodit is recommended to do diet changes. Here are some healthy breakfast options that can help control uric acid:

low purine fruits: Fruits like berries, apples, pears, peaches, and bananas are low in purines and can be a good choice for breakfast. You can eat them fresh, make a smoothie with them, or add them to nonfat yogurt.

Avena: Oats are an excellent source of fiber and can help control blood sugar. In addition, it is low in purines and a good option for breakfast. You can make it with skim milk and add fresh fruits for more flavor and nutrients.

Eggs: Eggs are a good source of protein and low in purines. You can make scrambled eggs or an omelette with vegetables like tomatoes, spinach, mushrooms, and onions.

Pan integral: Whole wheat bread is a good choice for breakfast, as it is low in purine and high in fiber. You can make toast with avocado, tomato and egg or a lean ham and low-fat cheese sandwich.

How to remove uric acid from the body quickly

He uric acid is a substance that is naturally eliminated from the body through urinebut if it accumulates in excess, it can lead to health problems such as drop and the kidney stones. Here are some ways to remove uric acid from the body quickly:

Drink a lot of water: Drinking plenty of water helps dilute uric acid in the body and to promote its elimination through urine. It is recommended to drink at least 8 glasses of water a day.

avoid alcohol: He alcohol increases the production of uric acid and can make it difficult to get rid of it from the body. If you have elevated uric acid levels, it’s important to limit or avoid alcohol consumption.

Eat foods low in purines: Foods high in purines such as red meat, shellfish, and full-fat dairy can increase uric acid levels in the body. Instead, choose low-purine foods like fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and legumes.

Increase the consumption of vitamin C: Vitamin C helps to reduce uric acid levels in the body. You can increase your vitamin C intake by eating fruits and vegetables such as oranges, kiwis, strawberries, broccoli, and bell peppers.

take prescription drugs: If you have elevated uric acid levels, you may need to take prescription medications to help reduce them. These drugs include nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and drugs that decrease uric acid production.

What juice is good for uric acid

5 juices to lower uric acid fast. Photo: iStock

when you have the elevated uric acidyou do not necessarily have symptoms, but the consequences are the appearance of drop, renal problems or discomfort when urinating.

For that you can regularly take these juices to cleanse your body if you already have symptoms of this problem.

1. Juice with complex B

You need:

2 grapefruits

3 radishes

2 lemons


Disinfect and properly wash the radishes, before cutting them.

Wash the grapefruits and lemons.

Cut the radishes into small pieces and extract the juice from the citrus fruits.

Place the juice of the grapefruit and lemons in the blender, add a little water and add the chopped radishes. Blend and drink immediately.

2. Antioxidant juice to lower uric acid

You need:

4 carrots

1/2 mango

30 g of cherries

1 slice of pineapple

1 creole lemon


Wash and disinfect the cherries well.

Cut the carrot, pineapple and mango.

Add to blender with water and lemon juice.

This juice is excellent on an empty stomach.

3. Kidney detox

This juice is diuretic and is used for gout, arthritis, cellulite and reduce inflammation of the tendons.

You need:

1/4 of chayote

1 slice of pineapple

1/2 cup orange juice


Wash and peel the chayote to empty it into pieces in the blender with the other ingredients.

Blend well and drink immediately.

4. Juice for gout problems

You need:

1/2 cup of cherries

1 cucumber

1 stalk of celery


Wash and disinfect the celery and cherries

Peel the cucumber and cut into pieces

Add all the ingredients in the blender with 1 cup of water.

Blend well and drink this tea for 7 days.

5. Detox for urination problems

You need:

4 handfuls of chopped strawberries

1/4 cup raspberries

1/2 cup orange juice


Wash all the ingredients and place in the blender. If you freeze the strawberries and raspberries, you can get a smoothie effect.

Blend and drink in the morning.

This juice neutralizes excess uric acid and helps reduce gout pain.

What is the best anti-inflammatory for gout?

He gout treatment may include the use of anti-inflammatory drugs to reduce inflammation and pain in the affected joints. There are several types of anti-inflammatory medications that may be helpful in the gout treatmentbut the choice of the best one depends on the individual situation of the patient.

Here are some of the most common anti-inflammatories used to treat goutmentions Mayo Clinic:

NSAIDs: NSAIDs (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs) such as ibuprofen, naproxen, and diclofenac can help reduce the pain and inflammation of gout. These drugs not only reduce inflammation, but also relieve pain. NSAIDs are usually taken by mouth and are often effective in relieving gout symptoms.

Colchicine: The colchicine is a medication that has been used for a long time to treat gout. It works by inhibiting inflammation and can help prevent gout attacks in people who are prone to them. However, colchicine can have side effects and is not suitable for all patients.

Corticosteroids: The corticosteroids are medications that reduce inflammation and pain in gout. These can be given by injection into the affected joint or taken orally. Corticosteroids can be effective in relieving gout symptoms, but should be used with caution due to their side effects.

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These juices to lower uric acid fast they can be supportive; however, always consider going to the doctor as the first option to have an accurate diagnosis.

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