5 marketing concepts to boost your business in 2024

by time news

2023-12-11 20:44:45

Companies’ investment in marketing increased from 6.4% in 2021 to 9.5% in 2022, according to a Gartner survey carried out with CMOs and marketing leaders around the world.

And this percentage tends to grow even more when analyzing the end of this year, expanding the horizons to 2024.

Marketing Digital

According to the Digital Marketing and Sales Maturity survey in Brazil, 94% of companies choose digital marketing as a growth strategy.

In other words: anyone who decides to start a business or is already starting a business, whether in a completely physical business or in a digital format, increasingly needs to learn about marketing concepts.

The specialist and CEO of IDK Media, Eduardo Augusto, highlights that it is necessary to seek to deepen learning about marketing.

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“Knowing some terminologies is important for you, the entrepreneur, for several reasons. One of them is knowing what you are buying, why something needs to be done and, especially, knowing if your commercial partners are doing the right thing.”

He further adds that “Knowing where your brand’s consumers are is the first step to building real connections with this audience.

I always say that there are no ready-made solutions, what exists is a set that includes data analysis, development of ideas, understanding the ecosystem in which the company is located, among others. Through these fronts, the path to follow becomes clearer in digital marketing strategies.”

Also read: How to Use Marketing to Get Investments for Startups

Discover five marketing concepts that every entrepreneur needs to know to take a further step in promoting their products and services on the internet in 2024. Check it out!

1) Phygital

The word “phygital” is the result of the combination of two terms: physical and digital. The term refers to the integration of offline (physical) and online (digital) media, in order to provide a unique experience for the consumer.

“Phygital has become an appropriate name to make tangible the era we live in, which is quite hybrid. We have a universe happening parallel to “reality” or offline. In marketing this is also true. Therefore, the importance of fundraising strategies and online presence are extremely important (not to say mandatory)”, explains Eduardo.

2) Customer Experience (CX)

The term Customer Experience (or just CX) refers to the Customer Experience. Customer experience is the main competitive differentiator in the digital era, which is why it is such a recurring term in the marketing universe.

“Brazil has the most demanding consumers in the world. Studies show that more than 70% of Brazilian consumers are willing to change brands due to a bad experience, while the global panorama shows that 52% of consumers would do so”, highlights the CEO of IDK.

“Therefore, the term is worth studying a little more in depth so that entrepreneurs can understand the opportunities that a good customer experience can bring to the brand. Every product or service is created to solve a problem for a person or a group of people. So why not put people at the center of this process? With adequate CX work, the professional/entrepreneur understands whether what is being built by him is really a solution for whoever is buying. And how do we do this? Asking people.”

3) Branding

Branding refers to the process of creating and managing a brand. In general, it involves defining a visual identity, values, purpose, personality, as well as communication strategies focused on generating a positive image and reputation among the target audience.

“Every brand must have an identity, personality and concrete strategies. Because you need to know who you are, to then define where you want to go. If you don’t define who your brand is, what its stance, values, tone of voice, etc… how will people identify with it? “, points out the expert.

4) Persona

Persona is the semi-fictional representation of a brand’s customer. Through research with real customers of a business, based on data such as age, profession, income, gender, among others, a unique profile of the ideal customer is created, which will serve as a guide for the entire marketing strategy.

“As important as knowing WHAT to sell is knowing WHO to sell it TO. Defining a persona helps you design your ideal client and, based on that, build strategies, price lines, installments (or not). “, highlights Eduardo.

5) CRM

The term CRM comes from the English “Customer Relationship Management”, which translated means “Customer Relationship Management”.

This is certainly one of the most important systems for a company, regardless of the field in which it operates. The main role of CRM is to keep the customers that you spent a lot of effort on bringing.

Relationship management, recurring sales, always selling to the same customers, loyalty. This is all related to CRM. It has valuable data, such as customer contact channels, service history, purchase history, among others.

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