5 sectors of activity useful to the planet and which are recruiting

by time news

2023-04-21 19:18:21

The green and social transition is revolutionizing all sectors of the economy. Many of you want to make a difference from your first experiences: internship, work-study, employment…

The “jobs that makesense” platform, in partnership with Le Parisien Etudiant, responds to this revolution and launches a major recruitment campaign “1000stages.org” for all actors of change from April 3 to May 26.

Article proposed and written by Fabien Secherre from “jobs that makesense”.

Environmental Education & Awareness

15% of internship and work-study offers on jobs_that_makesense

To successfully transform society, all citizens, businesses and public actors must be made aware of and trained in these issues. In addition, new skills requirements are emerging, whether technical skills – renewable energies, energy renovation, life cycle analysis – or behavioral ones.

In this field, many associations and companies offer commitment platforms, such as Wenabi or Friday for example, which allow employees to commit to solidarity projects.

Other structures carry out awareness-raising actions, such as the workshops offered by La Fresque du Climat, makesense or 2tonnes.

Finally, schools and training organizations specialize in these themes, for example Engage, which brings about desirable futures, ecoLearn, which offers training in CSR, or even La Joist, which trains in the energy renovation of buildings.

Energetic transition

5% of internship and work-study offers on jobs_that_makesense

On a global scale, electricity production is responsible for 41% of total CO2 emissions. The energy transition is the first challenge to maintain a livable world and reduce global warming.

This sector of activity does not only recruit experts in renewable energies, and actually brings together many very diverse players.

The sector extends from structures such as ithaque which supports individuals in their energy renovation projects, to renewable energy suppliers such as Enercoop or Alterna Energie, not to mention the local energy and climate agencies which support local authorities in their transition.

Circular economy

10% of internship and work-study offers on jobs_that_makesense

Extract, manufacture, throw away: this economic model is not aligned with the challenges of our time. To successfully reduce greenhouse gas emissions, a new economic model is developing with the circular economy, which is based on the triptych reduce, reuse and recycle.

The first challenge is therefore to reduce our consumption. Actors are therefore working on the durability of products, for example the textile company Loom; on repair, like Murfy; or support companies in reducing wastage and waste, such as Eqosphere.

Second challenge: Reuse. This is the specialty of second-hand players such as Label Emmaüs, Rejoué or recycleries.

Finally, at the end of the chain, recycling is the 3rd pillar of the circular economy. Here we find companies specializing in sorting like Citeo, compost like Les Alchimistes, or fossilization like Néolithe.

Agriculture & food

10% of internship and work-study offers on jobs that makesense

Agriculture represents in France ¼ of our greenhouse gas emissions. Tensions around water resources, social precariousness of farmers, issues of food resilience in an uncertain international context,… The entire food value chain must be transformed, from farm to fork. According to the Shift Project’s Plan for the transformation of the French economy, more than 540,000 jobs will have to be created by 2050 in this sector of activity to make our transition a success. Here are 3 types of issues and structures that respond to them and are currently looking for interns and work-study candidates.

The first challenge is to develop a new agricultural model, by promoting regenerative agriculture, permaculture, organic production,… Players are mobilizing to accelerate this transition, such as eloi, which allows the transmission of farms to a new generation of farmers by facilitating the installation of project leaders in agroecology, or MiiMOSA, a funding platform dedicated to the agricultural and food transition.

Our food must also evolve, more local, less meaty and organic. Here we find organic and local grocery stores such as Miyam, organic supermarket chains, or responsible catering players, such as Les Marmites volantes.

Another challenge of the transformation of our model is the reduction of food waste. The worldwide success of Too Good To Go, for example, shows the collective awareness on the subject. Other actors are mobilizing, such as Hors Norme which offers baskets of “ugly” fruit and vegetables traditionally not marketed, or Biocycle which collects and redistributes unsold food by tricycle.

Social inclusion

12% of internship and work-study offers on jobs_that_makesense

Finally, because ecological transition and social justice are absolutely inseparable, an essential sector of activity in which you can carry out an internship or a work-study program useful to society is the field of inclusion.

Many associations are working for inclusion through employment with people who are remote from it. This is the case of Singa, for refugees and asylum seekers, Activ’Action which supports job seekers, or Café Joyeux for people with disabilities.

Another field of social exclusion is the digital divide. Associations and public structures are committed to reducing it, such as Pix, the online public service to test, develop and certify digital skills.

These sectors are just a few examples of the diversity of the challenges of ecological and social transition, and the multitude of opportunities that result. All of the structures mentioned here, and thousands of others, are looking for trainees and work-study students in all trades to help them develop and increase their impact. Find them on 1000stages.org.

#sectors #activity #planet #recruiting

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