5-star Russian tourism at risk, for Italy in smoke business for over 1bn

by time news

War Russia Ukraine, “five-star” tourism at risk: the big bill for Italy is on the way

The war between Russia and Ukraine and the sanctions imposed by Europe a fly they also make themselves felt for trade: with the worsening of the conflict Italy risks losing the great Russian “five-star” tourism. A phenomenon that is not made only of oligarchs and tycoonsbut also people with a certain income and standard of living.

“So much so that in 2014, writes theActeda survey on Italy’s international tourism, carried out by the Bank of Italy, establishes that Russians are a very rich segment with a daily spending capacity that in 2013 alone was of 170 euro, 65% higher to that of other foreign tourists who usually stay in Italy “.

“Now all this flow of attendance and money, continue theActedrisks being put on hold by the conflict Fly-Kievfrom the closing of the heavens that from February 27 it inhibits Soviet planes from making a stopover in Italy as well. This simple fact is significant: starting from 2009 and until 2014 the overnight stays of Russian tourists in Italy went from just under 3 million and 600 thousand to almost 8 million while the spending has gone up from 623 million a 1 billion and 328 million euros, thanks also to the ability to offer differentiated packages for all budgets: from deluxe tourism to the all inclusive“.

But what do the Russians of Italy love? Time.news writes: “The Russians of Italy love art, the environment, fashion, style, food, wines, real” ambassadors “who, over time, have helped to forge that image Of Country that attracts most of all even tourists and visitors from the east. So much so that for wines, for example, Moscow hosted the second edition of Vinitaly Russia in May 2005 at the Grand Hotel Marriot (the first was in 2004) with a truly record participation, which saw over 100 companies while they were just about thirty the year before “.

“Contrary to what could happen today, the first Ukrainian crisis of 2014 did not succeed in reversing the trend and slowing down the flow of Russian tourists towards the boot. Despite the opposition between Russia and the West, the devaluation of the ruble and the economic slowdownRussian tourism to Italy at the time held up with some effectiveness and even grew by 3% compared to 2013, according to the data that emerged during the presentation of the first Italian-Russian Tourism Forum, which also took place in that year from 18 to 19 September at Palazzo Reale in Milan “, concludes the news agency.

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