5 things you should know before vaccinating against COVID-19 Prepare the body to reduce the effect : PPTVHD36

by time news

Covid-19 vaccination It has been confirmed to help build immunity against COVID-19. effectively This must be done in parallel with wearing masks, keeping distance, washing hands frequently. and avoid crowded areas Therefore, before vaccinating against COVID-19 should know and understand the information correctly

Covid-19 vaccineUsually when all kinds of germs enter the body. The body has a number of ways to deal with infection. One of these, Macrophage leukocytes, ingests the infection and leaves some remnants of the infection known as an antigen.

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The body recognizes the antigen as a foreign body and produces antibodies (Antibody) to deal with it. Including there is another type of white blood cells that remember that this pathogen is a foreign body. If infected in the future, the body will be able to recognize and manage it. The vaccine works the same way.

Vaccines against COVID-19 It will help stimulate the body to build immunity against this virus. Help prevent infection if it gets infected in the future. But it takes some time after vaccination for the body to build up immunity. Vaccinating recipients must also comply with COVID-19 prevention measures. strictly, such as wearing a mask, washing hands often, social distancing, etc.

The vaccine may not protect everyone injected from contracting COVID-19, but it has been shown to reduce the severity of the disease. And there is no information on how long the vaccine will last after vaccination against COVID-19, and no information on whether vaccination is effective for people with low immunity or those who take immunosuppressants. Immune to the covid-19 virus Is there a lower effect than in normal people?

Preparation before vaccination

1. Prepare the body

  • get enough sleep
  • Avoid alcohol, tea, coffee.
  • No fever or any symptoms
  • Abstain from vigorous exercise 2 days before and after vaccination.
  • No need to refrain from water, diet, and can take regular medication.

2. See a personal doctor

In the case of congenital disease in which the symptoms are not stable Consult your doctor before getting vaccinated.

3. Prepare your ID card according to the date and time of the appointment.

  • wear a mask
  • Wash your hands with soap. or alcohol gel
  • strictly distance

4. Dress

Wear a short-sleeved shirt to facilitate vaccination.

5. Vaccinate the arm that is not dominant.

Refrain from using or tensing the arm that was injected.

5 things you should know before vaccinating against COVID-19  Prepare the body to reduce the effect.

Thank you health information from Bangkok Hospital

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