5 tips to avoid Cofepris fines

by time news

2024-01-23 01:00:26

All entrepreneurial doctors need the medical advertising to make yourself known. It is the easiest way to attract new patients and make an office, clinic or hospital successful. Although one of the drawbacks is that it is not always done correctly, which can cause legal problems.

Many times at doctors They are only taught how to join a company but not how to open their own. health business. Anyone can do it but first it needs to be done correctly because there are laws that must be followed.

What is medical advertising?

First of all it is necessary to start with general definitions. The medical advertising It consists of all advertising strategies to promote sales of a health service. Currently there are many channels that can be used although more and more doctors prefer digital media.

The health field is one of the most monitored due to its direct impact on people’s integrity. For this reason, there are various restrictions to ensure that the doctors’ promotion is not misleading. Failure to comply with this step may result in multiple fines and even the definitive closure of your office.

Who regulates medical advertising?

The highest authority in Mexico is the Federal Commission for the Protection against Health Risks (Cofepris). Its maximum objective is to ensure the well-being of the general population.

With the above in mind, there are various requirements that all doctors interested in disseminating their services must comply. The problem is that many do not know the current regulations.

Aspects that may seem irrelevant, such as posting ads on social networks, should always be done with great care. If you want to give advertising to your office you must first verify the mandatory procedures and requirements or else you will have problems.

Guide to avoid fines from Cofepris for your medical advertising

With this approach, the lawyer Mirna, who is a specialist in Health Law, published a guide made up of five general tips. The ultimate goal is to avoid receiving fines from Cofepris.

  • Decide how and where you are going to promote yourself
  • Review the requirements of the Advertising Regulations
  • Integrate your advertising project
  • Submit your advertising procedure to Cofepris
  • Follow up on your procedure

Based on the above, the first thing you should do is identify if you want to advertise as a natural person, legal entity or a personal brand because the requirements for each one are different.

The legal figure is very important because according to the one you select, you must process a advertising notice or permission. The first can be done online but in the case of the second it must be done in person.


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♬ Life and Beauty – Athané, Pierre-André

Likewise, the most important document that you should consult is the Health Advertising Regulations. It contains all the instructions on how a doctor is allowed to advertise his services.

Also read:
Medical gaslighting, what is it and how can you avoid it? One of the most famous medical influencers in Mexico is murdered

#tips #avoid #Cofepris #fines

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