5 tips to make our return to routine easier – Health and Medicine

by time news

2023-09-04 08:18:19

Post-vacation depression is identified with the emotional pressure we feel when having to return to the routine after having enjoyed a vacation period. After spending a few relaxing days by the sea, accompanied by family or friends, or visiting incredible places, returning to early mornings, 8 hours at work and the routine at home can be very uphill. But what is post-vacation depression and how can it be alleviated?

“Starting the course and going back to work is one of the issues that we see in consultation, it is difficult for people to return to work. This can be the normal process after the holidays or they can hide other types of difficulties, such as that their work does not satisfy them, they feel that they are not progressing, they see it only as a way to earn money and not as a means of personal development, or They have difficulties with someone in their environment. On the other hand, people who are lucky enough to dedicate themselves to something they like find it less difficult to rejoin after the holidays”, says Ana Lucas, a psychologist.

Sometimes, that feeling of “depression” after the holidays can also occur after spending an incredible vacation, which has far exceeded expectations, or in which you have managed to get out of the routine and enjoy many moments of social life. . Returning to our routine and assuming that everything is not so exciting anymore, or that we do not have as much time to meet our friends or meet new people, can make it difficult for us to return.

How can we turn around the post-holiday blues? Ana Lucas shares 5 recommendations to make our return to routine easier:

Change the focus: Going back to work cannot be going back to the “battle”. If there is something that is not working in our work we have to identify what it is. You may need to find a new motivation, you need a new approach or you have to solve some difficulty associated with work.

Daily vacations: Introducing the concept of daily vacations into our daily lives helps us dedicate special time to ourselves, where sometimes it is not necessary to do anything special, just enjoy the things that you like and that motivate you.

Plan short vacations: Get started now and organize short breaks and long weekends to disconnect, throughout the course. Changing scenery or taking the fresh air helps to recover energy.

“Enjoyment” style of life: Not everything has to be work. Before there was a culture of stricter effort, with a very established calendar and focused on work. The new generations are teaching us a new lifestyle in which work is a means and not an end, and it is possible to combine it and also enjoy leisure.

Telecommuting: If your job allows you to work from home, take advantage of it to get away and be more in contact with nature, visit other places or enjoy your home while you adapt to your routine.

For the psychologist, post-holiday depression should not be confused with the discomfort that having to return to the routine causes us. And it is that, when talking about post-vacation depression we have to be very attentive to the first symptoms. “The easiest first symptom to identify is usually a low energy level, that applies to all aspects of life. From going out, getting handsome, to making food or having a hard time making plans. You are slower with ideas, and you don’t feel like doing things. And the second symptom is that ruminative ideas of discomfort appear that occupy mental space and they are all related to that topic”.

At the moment in which any of these signs, apathy and lack of energy, appear, it is very important to rely on a professional to help you identify the problem and advise you to start the course on the right foot. Writing.

#tips #return #routine #easier #Health #Medicine

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