5 warning signs that should not be ignored

by time news

2023-09-08 20:00:29

According to the WHO, a death from suicide is recorded somewhere on the planet every 40 seconds.
During 2019, it was the fourth cause of death in the 15 to 29 age group worldwide.
From the consumption of psychoactive substances to the lack of mental health, a person’s risk of committing suicide increases.

To identify the suicide risk For patients, specialists from the “Ramón de la Fuente Muñiz” National Institute of Psychiatry (INPRFM) offered special training to first-level care personnel. The objective is to anticipate actions that can lead to fatal cases.

In accordance with Erick Maya Gonzalezwho is a specialist at the Institute, this plan implemented in the area of ​​emergency care is used in patients who present emotional dysregulation or who commit suicide attempts in contexts of high frustration or impulsivity.

The strategy helps patients analyze the circumstances in which they have thoughts of self-harm and express them to another person. This allows you to identify the behaviors that trigger the risk of suicide.

They also explore, together with the patient, behavioral strategies that include recreational activities, relaxation techniques and the development of skills called TIP, referring to T for temperature, I for intense exercise and P for pauses in breathing or muscle relaxation.

Health professionals also acquire knowledge about the importance of support networks and to guide patients and family members on the measures to take in cases of crisis.

Factors that increase the risk of suicide

Abuse of psychoactive substances such as alcohol.
History of trauma or abuse.
Lack of social ties and feeling of isolation.
Lack of mental health.
Chronic diseases.

The initiative is part of the activities of the World Suicide Prevention Day, which is commemorated every September 10. The specialist highlighted the need to inform the entire population, without excluding ages or age groups, about this risk, so that they recognize when their moods are not favorable and identify symptoms in a timely manner to request help.

Mothers and fathers can contribute to the application of the steps of the safety plan by controlling the medications prescribed to patients, especially those called rescue medications.

This plan was initially designed for psychology and psychiatry staff. Over time it was extended to the rest of the health workers at the first level of care.

First contact doctors should not have prejudices towards patients

Maya González highlighted that, through training and professionalization, it has been possible to overcome taboos and stigmas among first-contact medical personnel, who avoided questioning their at-risk patients about any type of suicidal thought.

He highlighted the need to promote the doctor-patient relationship, so that the person with a mental health problem has the confidence to express it, and can be referred to specialized institutions.

In the last decade, specialists from the institute have given workshops and courses to first- and second-level health professionals to respond to mental health needs.

Since 2003, every September 10th the World Suicide Prevention Day. It is an initiative of the International Association for Suicide Prevention (IASP), which is endorsed by the World Health Organization (WHO).

Also read:

Suicide in Mexico: Incidence decreased between 2021 and 2022

Mourning in Mexican health: IMSS nurse commits suicide inside her home

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#warning #signs

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