5 Warning Signs Your Body Sends You About Too Much Sugar Consumption

by time news

2023-06-08 11:01:28

Are you tired even though you slept well and are constantly thirsty? These are just two of many warning signs that point to too much sugar consumption. We tell you what signs your body sends you when you consume too much sugar.

The following five symptoms could be warning signals from your body:

1. Caries

We were taught from childhood that too much sugar causes cavities. Consuming too much sugar makes teeth susceptible to bacteria. For example, if you don’t brush your teeth immediately after eating ice cream, your teeth are helplessly at the mercy of the sugar environment in your mouth. The sugar is converted into acid, which attacks the tooth enamel and opens the door to tooth decay.

2. Fatigue

If you have trouble getting out of bed in the morning and you could still sleep in the afternoon, you might like to grab a bar of chocolate to get you going again. And that works! However, the sugar only provides a brief energy boost. Shortly thereafter you feel listless and listless again and your concentration is gone as well. This is logical, because sugar causes your blood sugar level to skyrocket and drop just as quickly.

In addition, regular consumption of sugar internalizes a process in which your body even demands the sugar for the next energy boost. The only way to break out of this vicious circle is to give up sweets and instead use berries when you get cravings.

3. Digestive problems

Do you often suffer from flatulence, diarrhea or constipation? Then you may be consuming too much sugar. Increased sugar consumption messes up the environment in your intestines, which manifests itself in the form of digestive problems.

4. Blemishes

Just like your intestines, your skin can also rebel when you consume too much sugar. Normally, collagen and elastin keep the skin healthy. However, if you eat too many sweets, your body can no longer process the sugar. This then shows up in the form of blemishes and pimples.

5. Durst

The more sugar you consume, the thirstier you will be. The more sugar you have in your blood, the harder your body tries to get rid of it. He uses your urine for this. In plain language: If you eat a lot of sweets, you probably have to go to the toilet more often. Your body then draws your attention to this increased lack of fluids by telling you that you are thirsty.

#Warning #Signs #Youre #Eating #Sugar

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