“5 Ways to Improve Your Gut Health: Tips from Nutrition Expert Dr. Abeer Hamza Godakry”

by time news

2023-05-31 15:25:01

The gut does more than just digest food, as it helps support the immune system, central nervous system, heart health, mental health, and other essential bodily functions.

In this context, Dr. Abeer Hamza Godakry, a nutrition expert at Benenden Hospital in the United Kingdom, told the American “Fox News” network: “The gut microbiome is an ecosystem, and it is important that all the different microorganisms in it are balanced.”

She added: “When the bacteria in the gut microbiome are in balance, the body is better able to process food, distribute nutrients throughout, and get rid of waste, whereas when they are imbalanced, people can face higher risks of disease, including Irritable bowel syndrome, inflammatory bowel disease, diabetes, obesity, cancer, and heart problems.”

Goodacry confirmed that there are some specific changes that anyone can make to their lifestyle and diet to support the health and balance of their gut, as follows:

Follow a healthy diet

Goodacre says diet is the key to gut health.

Mostly, people with a healthy and varied bowel system are those who eat a range of colorful fruits and vegetables every day.

And the nutritionist warns that eating too many processed foods, sugary snacks, and trans fats can cause an imbalance between good and bad gut bacteria.

Diet is the key to gut health (AFP)

Goodacre said, “It is also important to include insoluble fiber sources in your diet, which help facilitate bowel movements and speed up the passage of food through the stomach.”

Some examples of insoluble fiber sources include nuts, grains, legumes, broccoli, strawberries, and raspberries.

Eating fermented foods:

The nutritionist said that some of the best foods you can eat to support gut health are fermented foods.

She explained that “eating fermented foods can help increase the number of beneficial bacteria, also known as probiotics, in your gut, and this benefits the digestive system, in the end.”

Yogurt is among the fermented foods (a.b.)

Examples of fermented foods are yogurt, mushrooms, cabbage, and cauliflower.

Avoid stress and psychological stress:

Goodacre said research has shown that high levels of stress can lead to reduced beneficial bacteria in the gut and lead to digestive issues. such as constipation, or loss of appetite.

High stress levels can lead to a reduction in beneficial bacteria in the intestine (Reuters)

“Even small changes, such as doing simple exercise, meditation, and talking to a mental health professional, can improve your overall health and the health of your gut,” she added.

Physical activity:

Increasing levels of physical activity can keep the gut healthy.

Increasing levels of physical activity maintains the health of the gut (Reuters)

“Exercise causes more oxygen in the bloodstream and a higher body temperature, which are exactly the conditions in which good gut bacteria thrive,” Goodacre said.

Limit artificial sweeteners:

Goodacre says that artificial sweeteners can upset the balance of beneficial bacteria in the gut.

Artificial sweeteners can lead to stomach upsets (AFP)

She emphasized that these sweeteners can lead to stomach upsets, such as gas and bloating, in addition to more long-term symptoms. Such as unintentional weight changes, or persistent fatigue.

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