50.2% of MEIs are in default

by time news

2023-06-05 23:00:06

More than 7.5 million Individual Microentrepreneurs (MEIs) are in default for at least one month with the Federal Revenue Service.

According to the Tax Authorities, based on data from March 2023, 50.2% of individual micro-entrepreneurs did not pay the Simples Nacional Collection Document (DAS).

The numbers compiled by Poder360 show that MEI’s default reached, in the last six years, its peak during the Covid-19 pandemic. In 2021, 62.3% of individual micro-entrepreneurs were in debt with the Revenue.

In 2022, the percentage dropped to 50.2%, the same rate registered in 2023.

The states of the North region lead the MEI default ranking. Amapá, for example, is the state with the highest number of MEIs in debt with the Revenue, reaching 71.6%. Next are Amazonas, Pará, Roraima and Acre.

The MEI tax ranges from R$67 to R$72, depending on the activity performed by the microentrepreneur. The amount includes charges such as the National Institute of Social Security (INSS) paid to Social Security, Tax on Services (ISS) to cities and Tax on Circulation of Goods and Services (ICMS) to States.

The values ​​are not considered the main cause of default, said the director of the Department of Crafts and Individual Microentrepreneur, Raissa Rossiter, Secretary of Micro and Small Business and Entrepreneurship (Sempe), to Poder360.

According to Rossiter, the lack of payment of the tax in this category is related to the daily workload of entrepreneurs.

“The MEI has so many micro decisions to make that the DAS is one more that is lost in the midst of the struggle for survival. We are going to start a targeted campaign to raise awareness and provide information in a simpler way about the importance of these obligations”, said the director.

Consequences of defaulting on the MEI

The MEI that does not keep the monthly contributions up to date can:

  • Lose pension benefits or take longer to retire;
  • Pay fines and interest for default;
  • Run the risk of having the CNPJ canceled (after two years without payment of the DAS MEI);
  • Be enrolled in the Active Debt of the Union (after two years without payment).

With information from Poder360

#MEIs #default

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