50% of drivers do not know how to act in the event of a breakdown or accident and put themselves in danger

by time news

S. M.



The moment of suffering an accident or breakdown while driving is a moment of great tension. In addition to the intrinsic risk that this situation carries, there is also the danger added by the rest of the traffic that continues to circulate around it. According to data from the DGT, in 2020 there were 6 deaths and 6 serious injuries who were repairing the vehicle on the road and 1 person died and 4 were injured. serious injuries that were helping in a previous accident.

And it is that there are many who do not know how to act in the event of a breakdown or accident, as well as the confusing and incomplete legislation regarding the V16 signal. In fact, 30% did not get out of the car through the door farthest from traffic and 50% do not know if they have to stay inside the car keeping the seat belt fastened of security.

These are data collected by Fundación CEA and ASITUR through a survey of 715 drivers residing in Spain. Likewise, 44% of those surveyed have needed assistance from the towing service in the last 5 years. More than 30% called the help desk before taking the necessary security measures.

74.5% of those surveyed answered that they did have the opportunity to stop in a safe place after the accident or breakdown. The 25.5 responds negatively, that is, the place where you stopped the vehicle was inappropriate or dangerous. At this time when it is not possible to stop in a safe place when the warning devices of danger (triangles and V-16 signal) and the good visibility of people who are on the road equipped with a high visibility vest it is decisive.

94.65% of those surveyed answered that they activated the emergency lights and position lights according to the concurrent circumstances at that time. 5.35% answered negatively. This is a very positive fact. According to the DGT Statistical Yearbook (2020), there were a total of 26,611 accidents with victims on interurban roads, of which 8,069 (just over 30%) of them occurred between dusk and dawn, without light or with artificial lighting. In these accidents with victims there were weather conditions that reduced visibility (rain, fog, snow, etc.) in almost 12% of the cases.

Also, at the time of have a breakdown, the data is more worrying. 50.55% state that when they could not leave the vehicle, they kept their seat belt fastened while 49.45% did not fasten it. It is important to draw attention to the fact that the safety of the belt is maintained if the person remains in a proper position. It is useless to keep the belt fastened if we are displaced from our seat or rotated with respect to the forward position. The rest of the passive safety elements, such as the airbag and the headrest, will not perform their function correctly either, and may even be harmful to the person.

Y many of these acts are punishable:

-The driver of the vehicle listed with an MMA that does not exceed 3,500 kg does not circulate on the passable shoulder on his right, and that for emergency reasons does so at an abnormally low speed, thereby seriously disturbing traffic, is a serious offense that carries 200 euros .

-Not attempting to place the vehicle or its load in the place where it causes the least obstacle to traffic, after having remained immobilized on the road or having dropped its load on it, is a minor offense of 80 euros.

-Not having the position lights on when the vehicle is immobilized on the road or shoulder of a road, between sunset and sunrise or under conditions that reduce visibility is a serious offense of 200 euros.

-Not using the emergency light to signal the presence of a vehicle immobilized on the motorway or dual carriageway is a minor offense that entails 80 euros.

-Not using the emergency light to signal the presence of an immobilized vehicle in places or circumstances that significantly reduce visibility, is also a minor offense of 80 euros.

-The driver of the vehicle not using the regulatory reflective vest when leaving the vehicle, occupying the road or the shoulder on an interurban road, is a serious offense of 200 euros.

-Not using or not using them properly, the regulatory danger warning devices to warn of the circumstance of immobilization of the vehicle or fall of its load to the road is a minor fault of 80 euros.

-Not properly placing the warning devices of danger to warn of the circumstance of immobilization of the vehicle or fall of its load to the road (specify the way in which they were placed, it is also a minor fault of 80 euros.

-The occupant of a vehicle immobilized on the dual carriageway or motorway traveling on the roadway due to an emergency situation, Traffic Regulations, a fee of 80 euros.

-Circulate with the reviewed vehicle without carrying the accessories, spare parts and/or accessories established by regulation. Vehicle Regulations, also slight 80 euros.

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