51st Gramado Film Festival opens registration

by time news

Directors from Brazil will be able to submit their films for the Competitive Exhibitions of 51st Gramado Film Festival until the 16th of April. The event, which takes place between August 11th and 19th, opens submissions for Brazilian feature films (LMB), Brazilian documentaries and Brazilian short films (CMB).

Innovation is in the history of Gramado Film Festival. In the last 50 years, the most distant film festival in the country has undergone several changes in its organization. After opening the doors for cinema made in Iberian America, for television, streaming and for new social media platforms, the event seeks to cover different audiovisual possibilities worldwide.

Inaugurating a new decade in its history, Gramado repositions its foreign content with the creation of a International panorama. The show, which will be exhibited at the Palácio dos Festivais in a standoutseeks to expand the possibilities of formats displayed at the event.

“We are looking for new ways to bring the best of audiovisual to Gramado. New formats, new display windows, new encounters. Now, we feel that the event is ripe to take this step. We are opening our doors to the world. We will have a robust schedule, with our Brazilian, Rio Grande do Sul and documentary shows and an expansion of film screenings standout. It is the opportunity to open our horizons to cinema made in the four corners of the globe”, says Rosa Helena Volk, president of Gramadotur, the municipal authority responsible for the city’s events, and the municipality’s secretary of tourism.

Registration and regulation forms are available here.

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