56,386 new cases and 40 deaths – time.news

by time news
from Paola Caruso

The data for Saturday 25 June. The positivity rate drops to 21.8% with 258,456 swabs. Admissions: +137. Intensive care unchanged. The current overall positives are above 700 thousand

I’m 56.386 the new cases of Covid in Italy (there were 55,829 yesterday, here the bulletin). It goes up like this at least 18.184.917 the number of people who have contracted the SARS-CoV-2 virus (including recovered and died) since the outbreak began. THE deaths today I am 40 (yesterday 51), for a total of 168,058 victims from February 2020.

People recovered or discharged they are altogether 17.313.380 e 31.532 those that have become negative in the last 24 hours (yesterday 30,753). The positive current – the subjects who have the virus – turn out to be in everything 703.479equal to +25.301 compared to yesterday (+25.606 the day before).

The swabs and the scenario

I total swabs (molecular and antigenic) processed are 258.456, or 20,387. more than yesterday when there were 238,069. The positive rate of 21.8% (approximation of 21.81%); yesterday it was 23.4%.

The trend of the upward curve, beyond the daily fluctuations, as the graph also shows. Just look at the comparison with last Saturday (June 18) – the same day of the week – when they were recorded +34,978 almost with a rate of 18.1%: in fact today there are more new infections than that day, with a higher percentage. Reinfections also rise, which grew by + 8.4% in the last week (they were + 7.5% the week before).

The highest number of newly infected in Lombardy (+8,115 cases), Lazio (+ 6,992 cases) and Veneto (+6,613 cases).

The health system

The hospitalizations in non-critical areas are increasing and those in intensive care remain stable. The beds occupied in ordinary Covid wards I am +137 (yesterday +141), for a total of 5,342 hospitalized. The beds occupied in intensive therapy are unchanged (yesterday +9) – this is the balance between people who entered and left in a day – for a total of 225 seriously ill, like yesterday, with 28 admissions to resuscitation (yesterday 29).

The cases region by region

The data provided below, broken down by region, concerns the number of new cases registered in the last 24 hours. Here is the table with the overall data provided by the Ministry of Health.

Lombardy: +8.115 cases (yesterday +8.302)
Veneto: +6.613 cases (yesterday +5.709)
Campania: +5,908 cases (yesterday +5,810)
Lazio: +6.992 cases (yesterday +7.042)
Emilia Romagna: +4.546 cases (yesterday +4.774)
Sicily: +4.142 cases (yesterday +4.436)
Piedmont: +2.399 cases (yesterday +2.561)
Tuscany: +3.294 cases (yesterday +3.359)
Puglia: +3.726 cases (yesterday +3.244)
Marche: +1.226 cases (yesterday +1.323)
Liguria: +962 cases (yesterday +1.277)
Abruzzo: +1.345 cases (yesterday +1.245)
Calabria: +1.351 cases (yesterday +1.247)
Friuli Venezia Giulia: +1.387 cases (yesterday +1.136)
Sardinia: +1.853 cases (yesterday +1.808)
Umbria: +941 cases (yesterday +976)
PA Bolzano: +386 cases (yesterday +416)
P. A. Trento: +381 cases (yesterday +399)
Basilicata: +436 cases (yesterday +420)
Molise: +322 cases (yesterday +282)
Valle d’Aosta: +61 cases (yesterday +63)

Here all the bulletins of 2022, here those of 2021 and here those of 2020.

June 25, 2022 (change June 25, 2022 | 17:50)

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