6 deaths per day in Ubon, with 3,672 COVID-19 deaths, the Office of the Provincial Police Commissioner emphasizes that risk groups have symptoms to pay. “Favipiravir” immediately

by time news

Today (30 Mar. 20) Ubon Ratchathani Provincial Public Health Office Revealed 3,672 new cases, 454 confirmed by RT-PCR, 3,218 infected with ATK, 3,218 of them were infected in the provincial area, up to 3,553 people. 24,726 people were ill during treatment, of which 288 were hospitalized with pneumonia and 18 were on ventilators.

And today, there are as many as 6 deaths, bringing the cumulative death to 83, with all new deaths being elderly people who have not received a vaccine.

for new patients Some of them are old clusters that are still experiencing ongoing outbreaks, such as being infected in relatives. Students go to entertainment venues, merit-making, funerals, which Ubon Ratchathani emphasizes that every unit of drug testing is organized at the unit. must have herbs favipiravir If the group is at risk of having symptoms or pneumonia Favipiravir must be administered immediately. Due to reports of deaths, many patients received the drug 2-4 days late after a positive ATK result was known.


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