6 Foods to Increase Good Cholesterol and Improve Heart Health as You Age

by time news

2023-05-12 10:15:00

With advancing age, the risk of cardiovascular diseases increases. The reason for this is often hardening of the arteries, which can be triggered by high cholesterol levels. How inFranken.de has reported, there are signs on the face that indicate elevated levels. Certain foods can help. They support the so-called “good cholesterol”.

Basically, cholesterol has an important job in the body: It is a building block for many hormones, bile acids and cell membranes. Experts speak of a lipid molecule that binds other fats in the body in order to transport them to the right place.

Too high cholesterol: Doctors warn of this

If the cholesterol content is too high, it is broken down in the liver or deposited in the blood vessels. Because of the vascular deposits, many doctors warn against an increased cholesterol level, as this significantly increases the risk of strokes, heart attacks and other cardiovascular diseases.

When talking about cholesterol, most people first think of something harmful to health. We are then talking about the “bad” low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL cholesterol). If this cholesterol level is increased, the superfluous protein settles in the vessel walls as plaque.

Die German pharmacist newspaper writes that in the case of dyslipidemia, it is not enough to just lower the total cholesterol. The ratio of “good” HDL and “bad” LDL must also be right.

HDL cholesterol breaks down cholesterol in the liver

According to the experts, HDL protects against arteriosclerosis by absorbing cholesterol from peripheral tissues and transporting it back to the liver for breakdown. In addition, HDL cholesterol protects LDL cholesterol in particular from oxidative processes.

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In order to minimize the risk of disease as much as possible, it is recommended to keep the HDL cholesterol level as high as possible compared to the LDL cholesterol level.

To increase the good cholesterol in the blood, a healthy diet is particularly important. However, there are a few foods that can stimulate the production of HDL cholesterol. In order to increase this value, the following six foods should be on the menu regularly.

6 Foods That Increase Good Cholesterol

#1 Vegetable Oils

In order to stimulate cholesterol production in the body, one should pay particular attention to a balanced diet with healthy fats. Vegetable oils such as olive, hemp or sunflower oil are enriched with polyunsaturated fatty acids. These promote the HDL cholesterol level and ensure a reduction in LDL cholesterol.

Vegetable oils also have the advantage that the plant substances contain antioxidants, which bind free radicals in the blood and thus protect our cells. However, this only applies to high-quality oils.

#2 Flaxseed

The inconspicuous grains are true wonders when it comes to cholesterol. Not only do flaxseeds contain important omega-3 fatty acids, which are natural blood pressure reducers, but they also contain lignans. These are fiber-like plant substances that can bind and transport away harmful HDL cholesterol. As a result, the small grains are real cholesterol-lowering agents.

Diet is everything: these foods raise HDL cholesterol levels

#3 Oily Fish

If you like fish, you have an advantage when it comes to your cholesterol diet. Fish such as salmon, tuna or mackerel contain many unsaturated fatty acids. Fatty acids such as omega-3 and omega-6 increase the value of the good cholesterol and also lower the LDL cholesterol level.

Incidentally, the fatty acids also have the effect that they promote blood circulation and inhibit inflammation.

#4 Whole Grains

Whole grain is rich in valuable fiber, which not only ensures a longer-lasting feeling of satiety, but also balances the cholesterol level in the blood. Whole grain products also contain other secondary plant substances and act as cholesterol-lowers.

40 grams of whole grains per day lower cholesterol

In order to achieve the best possible result, around 40 grams of fiber per day should be included in the diet. In the form of oatmeal, whole grain rice or whole grain pasta, this is not that difficult. To make it even tastier, whole grains also contain many other healthy nutrients, such as magnesium, zinc, and iron.

#5 Nuts

Nuts contain a lot of fat, as most people should know. However, very few people know that five walnuts a day are enough to lower cholesterol levels.

Because walnuts are mainly rich in unsaturated fatty acids, which, in combination with the other plant substances that are also contained in the vitamin bombs, inhibit the absorption of harmful cholesterol.

Superfoods help balance cholesterol levels

#6 Avocado

The popular fruit from Mexico is not only convincing because of its taste, but also because of the numerous ingredients that promote health. Avocados are true superfoods because they are rich in vitamins, calcium and potassium. In addition, the fatty fruits are particularly good suppliers of fatty acids, which can help to balance the cholesterol level in the blood.

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