6 girlfriends; 3 weddings.! Incessant sports child; Jolico Gymkhana Imran …

by time news

Imran Khan was born in 1952, 5 years after Pakistan’s independence, into an upper middle class family with 4 sisters. It is unknown at this time what he will do after leaving the post. He was born in Lahore, the only son of Ikramullah Khan Niyasi, a Pashtun from the Niazi tribe, and Saugat Khan, a Pashtun from the Burki tribe. His father was a staunch opponent of British colonial rule. After independence he joined the Public Works Department of the Government of Pakistan. He started charities across the country with his assets. Imran Khan’s mother Saugat Khan was also born in Jalandhar district of India. Many of his family members are cricketers. Later, he migrated to Lahore. Imran Khan’s elder sister Rupina Khan is a former UN official, 2nd sister Aleema Khan is a businessman and 3rd sister Usma Khan is a surgeon. The last sister Rani Khan is also a social activist. Thus, Imran Khan lived with his sisters in a comfortable and safe environment.

His life is not a ragged story; On the contrary, it has luxuries and extreme possibilities. He spent the first 17 years of his life in Lahore at the Atchison College, founded in 1868 by the British Government. After that, he attended The Royal Grammar School in Worcester, England. Finally, he studied philosophy, politics and economics at the Cable College, which operates under the University of Oxford in London. It was while studying in England that Imran Khan’s cricketing prowess became known to the outside world. He then played for Worcestershire County Cricket Club in 1971-76, and at the University of Oxford in 1973-75 for the Blues cricket team. After that, Imran Khan returned to Pakistan in 1976 and was selected to play for the national team.

He was selected because of his cricketing prowess. Despite that, his maternal uncle’s sons Majid Khan and Javed Burki were both captains in the same team, so they are said to have helped Imran Khan’s selection. But when Imran Khan became the captain of the Pakistan team, his first job was to remove Majid Khan from the team. Thus, they both did not speak for long days. Even this matter came to light only after Imran Khan started his political party. In the late 1970s Imran Khan began to emerge globally as an all-rounder in cricket, an unshakable star in reverse technique bowling. Although Imran Khan was from a Muslim country, he lived a modern life in Lahore, England. Western newspapers refer to him as the “aristocratic sportsman born of the aristocracy”. He had in his possession the art of chasing down the UK model beauties and bringing them to his bed. Thus, many model beauties from the UK fell into her trap.

It is safe to say that there were no celebrities who did not fall into his love trap in the 1980s. He himself has repeatedly stated that he has a relationship with them. Cheetah White, one of the 6 girlfriends who got acquainted with him like that, said he had a baby by Imran Khan. The unmarried man claimed that Imran Khan was the father of his daughter in the 1997 case. But a California court ruled in favor of Imran Khan. However, many years later, Imran Khan said he would adopt the child. Films like Imran Khan with her sons confirm this. Imran Khan, who spent the first 42 years of his life like this, got married 3 times in the next 25 years. First, he married 21-year-old Jemima Goldsmith and lived with her from 1995-2004.

Unwilling to live in Pakistan, he had an affair with Imran Khan in 2004. Second, in January 2015, she married Rikam Khan, a British journalist of Pakistani descent living in the UK. Divorced in October of the same year. Rigam said Imran Khan was irresponsible and divorced due to his patriarchal attitude. Four months before taking over as Prime Minister of Pakistan, Pushra married BP for the third time in February 2018. Inspired by his various talents as a healing, spiritual guide by the Sufi faith, Imran Khan married him. The family runs with him to this day. Imran Khan was famous in cricket and was a strong player and all-rounder. He was fully responsible for Pakistan winning the 1992 World Cup.

His time was the golden age of Pakistan cricket. Despite such a good name, he was still a cheater in cricket. Damage to the ball is common in cricket. He has often said in several interviews in 1994 that it was as sinless as it is now. He built a cancer hospital in Lahore in the name of his mother, Chaudhry Khan, with the prize money of 90,000 euros he received for winning the 1992 World Cup. It is still the largest cancer hospital in Pakistan. For this, the people of Pakistan received large sums of money from international donors. He was also criticized for claiming that he had personally acquired the property and investing it in France and Oman.

But it is noteworthy that Imran got the property he needed for 3 generations from his father. Imran Khan entered politics in 1996. He started a party called Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf. Although he did not grow a beard as a decent Muslim, he shattered his playboy and luxury images and identified himself as a full-fledged spiritualist, Muslim, and poverty alleviator. He even began to recite the rosary at public meetings. His political career was also at odds. While supporting liberalization, he also apologized to Muslim clerics for it. He strongly opposed Muslim extremism. At the same time, he provided financial assistance to the Taliban in Pakistan. Accused of blasphemy laws in Pakistan.

Imran Khan, who pledged to uphold democracy, backed Pervez Musharraf in 1999. He won the election in August 2018 and became the Prime Minister. On the whole critics who have been observing and observing the lies that Imran Khan has stated resolutely in all fields say that he can be given the Best Devil Award. He engaged in politics against darna, corruption, succession politics. So, we were able to win. But that victory was something planned by the Pakistani military. They themselves put Imran Khan in power.

The military believed that Imran would be a trusted people’s leader. But Imran Khan acted against the army in every matter. Underestimated military policies. So Pakistan is neither an economy nor a democracy, as critics say. The war with the army ended his rule. This is because of his attitude of not listening to the army generals. Imran Khan is not going to win this fight with the army. The real losers of this struggle are the people of Pakistan. Not a single Prime Minister in Pakistan’s 75 – year history has completed their full 5 year rule. Not once in 75 years has there been a stable government. Even change in Pakistan has become inevitable.

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