60 of 300 poultry farms in Tungurahua still do not have operating permits

by time news

2023-04-18 07:05:00

The Agrocalidad technicians carry out the inspections and controls of the biosafety measures and the operating permits of the Tungurahua poultry farms. Photo: File

At least 60 of the 300 poultry farms that work in Cotaló, Huambaló, Potato, Baths and Cevallos in Tungurahua, they do not have operating permits and biosafety plans. This means that 20% of farms are considered at risk of contagion of the bird flu.

This disease is detected in November 2022 and has spread throughout the provinces of Cotopaxi, tungurahua, Bolívar, pichincha, imbabura y Azuaywhere died 1.2 million aves.

The controls of the operating permits and the biosecurity measures on the farms were intensified by the technicians of the Phytosanitary Regulation and Control Agency (Agrocalidad). The measure was adopted after in February 2023 a focus of contagion in it Cevallos canton (Tungurahua).

The presence of infections by bird flu made it start a plan inspections of the poultry farms throughout the province. Control consists of verifying operating permits, reviewing biosafety plans, control of flies and vectors that may pose a risk.

Farms without biosecurity plans

in the parishes Huambalo y Cotaló At least 24 of the new poultry farms, between medium and small, were found not to comply with the Law. While 23 farms, which are part of the Cotaló Poultry Farmers Association (Asavico), have the permits and apply biosafety plans.

Spartacus Height, Director of Agrocalidad in Tungurahuaexplained that the entity extended 60 days for the owners of the new poultry farms to comply with the procedures and apply the biosafety protocols, otherwise they will not be able to access the vaccination.

In Tungurahua it is sought that all the birds of the poultry farms are vaccinated. In Cotaló, farmers joined forces to help process the operating permits for poultry companies that did not have permits. Photo: Courtesy

Despite the fact that Cotaló, Huambaló, Patate and Baños do not present health problems, they are considered risk areas by specialists.

The conditions and the density of birds, which reaches 1.2 million in cotaló, It is a high risk factor. “It is necessary that all poultry companies comply with biosafety standards.”

Of the 60 detected in Tungurahua, more than 50% presented the documentation, that is, they follow the processes to obtain their permits. They also make investments to install fumigation of vehicles and prevent buyers from entering the farms.

In Cotaló all the farms will receive the vaccines

One of those that complies with biosafety standards is Ramiro Garzon owner of the Garzon Poultry Farm, in Cotaló. Before the pandemic, he already worked on his farm with the biosafety protocols to prevent the spread of diseases in 90,000 birds of posture.

This allowed counting and updating the operating permits of his poultry farm. “After the inspections, it emerged that there were other poultry farms in the parish that did not have permits, but now they are being processed and that is positive.”

He stated that they are working together with all the farms in Cotaló to seek to vaccinate the birds in the area. Group work is positive to expedite processes. permit procedures of the poultry not registered.

He claimed that his 90,000 birds were already vaccinateds with the first dose. He hopes that at the end of this month the reinforcement of the second dose.

Fearing a possible contagion, he sold the older laying birds two months ago and kept the younger ones to serve the local and national market with egg production.

According to Garzón, there is a 20% decrease. “Due to the disease, we stopped replacing new batches of baby chicks in the sheds. We are afraid that the disease will arrive and we will go bankrupt. He Government does not support poultry farmers who lost everything with any insurance or compensation.”

47 poultry, in vaccine plan

He President of the Cotaló Poultry Farmers Association, David RoseroThey are working on the procedures to obtain all the permits and all the poultry are registered and benefit from vaccination. “The new farms are installing biosafety equipment, which is one of the important requirements to avoid possible damage. They had been operating for years but without control.”

He mentioned that in the cadastre of the Cotaló poultry farms developed by Agrocalidad and the Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock (MAG) there are 47 that are within the vaccination plan, regardless of whether or not they are part of Asavico. The objective is that everyone is benefited and complies with the provisions of Agrocalidad.

He expects them to present all the documents and obtain the biosafety protocols in the short term and obtain the operating permits and comply with the law. “Our union has all the documentation in order with the renewals, because the controls and inspections of Agrocalidad are constant.”

First bird flu death in China

In China, this Monday, April 17, 2023, the third infection human with the virus avian influenza H3N8 and the first death confirmed. The epidemiological investigation Preliminary information about this event suggests that the exhibition to a market of live birds could be the cause of the infection.

In addition, on March 27, 2023, the National Health Commission (NHC) of the People’s Republic China notified the World Health Organization (OMS) and confirmed case of human infection with the virus bird flu A (H3N8).

The patient was a woman 56 years old from the province of Guangdong, whose illness began on February 22, 2023. was hospitalized from severe pneumonia on March 3, 2023 and died on March 16, 2023.

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