67 year old Anil Kapoor’s dapper look, people said after seeing the pictures ‘It’s getting too much now Sir’ – Anil Kapoor’s crip suit look is so dapper that people said sir this is too much

by times news cr

2024-09-15 00:14:19
Actor Anil Kapoor is just a few steps away from turning 70. But how can its effect be seen on him. On the contrary, he seems to be younger in terms of agility and style. The actor’s latest pictures also prove this. Whoever saw Anil in suit and boots could not do anything except praise him.

Be it the suit, its fitting or the overall appearance, Anil looked so perfect and dapper in all aspects that we are sure that even the young actors of today’s era will not be able to compete with this look. (All photos: Instagram@anilskapoor)

A crisp and flawless look in a navy blue suit

In the latest pics, Anil Kapoor could be seen in a set of navy blue straight cut pants and matching suit jacket. He added a white shirt and blue tie to this look.

Her shoes were classy black lace-up shoes. Their narrow toe design looked great with the suit. This look was crisp and flawless from every angle.

Trimmed beard, set hair and black glasses, what can you say now

The way Anil Kapoor trimmed his beard and styled his hair added more style quotient to his look. The poses he gave for the camera wearing black glasses made every picture amazing.

People said, Sir now even Salman has started looking old

Seeing the latest photos of the 67-year-old actor, people made very funny comments. One person wrote, ‘Sir, now even Salman has started looking old, but I don’t know what kind of herb you have applied on your hands.’

Apart from common people, other people from the film industry also commented. Everyone praised Anil’s look and called him evergreen. While Shabana Azmi wrote ‘Nazar na lage’, Anubhav Sinha commented ‘It’s a bit too much sir. The good looking quotient should be tweaked a bit.’

Also see: Anil Kapoor could not stop himself after seeing paps’ slippers, reacted like this


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