67th anniversary of the creation of the FAR: noble missions in the service of the Fatherland and its territorial integrity

by times news cr

Constantly mobilized behind their Supreme Commander and Chief of General Staff, HM King Mohammed VI, and attached to their eternal motto: “God, the Fatherland, the King”, all components combined (land, air, naval and Royal Gendarmerie) of the FAR have never ceased to carry out, in fact, noble and tireless actions and to consent to immense sacrifices to hoist very high the colors of the Nation and defend its national sovereignty and its territorial integrity.

Thanks to the quality of training of the human element of FAR, men and women, this institution was able to accomplish several missions on the security and military levels and accumulate experience in the field of risk and crisis management.

Thus, it tirelessly watches over the safety and peace of citizens and works day and night to preserve the security of the Kingdom, with discipline, perseverance and loyalty, while carrying out solidarity actions and contributing to peacekeeping operations in several regions of the world.

Thanks to the experience accumulated by the Royal Armed Forces, Morocco has today become an active and reliable partner in peacekeeping operations, through the participation of various contingents and military personnel in structures of UN organizations.

The celebration of this glorious anniversary is also an opportunity to highlight the leadership and enlightened vision of His Majesty King Mohammed VI, Supreme Commander and Chief of Staff of the FAR, who oversees the development of this institution, to raise the FAR to the rank of a modern and professional army.

The high concern with which the Sovereign surrounds the human element of the FAR is also reflected by the interest shown by HM the King in upgrading its training on the theoretical and practical levels, in order to guarantee the acquisition, in a continuous and productive manner, of all the knowledge and expertise necessary to qualify it to carry out its multiple tasks in the best conditions.

One of the most striking manifestations of interest in the human element is the integration of Moroccan youth into military service, a valuable opportunity to allow new recruits to become closely acquainted with the various important roles played by the Royal Armed Forces in the various fields (military, health and humanitarian…) at the national level and at the continental and international levels, while allowing them to serve with loyalty and dedication, their dear Homeland.

In this regard and in a speech delivered at the opening of the 1st session of the 3rd legislative year of the 10th legislature, HM King Mohammed VI stressed that military service strengthens the feeling of national belonging, adding that it also allows one to benefit from training and coaching that offer opportunities for socio-professional integration to conscripts capable of asserting their skills, their sense of commitment and responsibilities.

“All Moroccans concerned by military service, without exception, are equal in this matter, regardless of their social class, their diplomas and their level of education,” the Sovereign affirmed.

Thus, since its resumption by the Kingdom, military service has seen great enthusiasm from large categories of young people wishing to benefit from professional training, opening up promising prospects for serving their country in several areas.

Military service is intended to reflect the Royal will, a “resolute will” to integrate all Moroccans not only in the defense of the Motherland and the territorial integrity of the Kingdom against any aggression or threat, but also in the socio-economic development of the country.

In order to preserve the achievements of this national experience, it is necessary to continue to support it through the development of programs, the modernization of infrastructure and the provision of material and human resources for its success, so that the young people, who have responded voluntarily and in large numbers to the call, can serve their country with loyalty and selflessness.

In celebrating the anniversary of their creation, the FAR reiterates its constant mobilization behind its Supreme Commander and Chief of General Staff, HM King Mohammed VI, to achieve the aspirations of the Sovereign in terms of greatness, progress, security and stability.

2024-09-05 11:10:15

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