68,000 web users reached Digitalmeet 2021

by time news

Sixty-eight thousand web users reached, involving 19 Italian regions out of 20 for a total of 134 events in presence or remotely. All made possible thanks to an army of volunteers who supported 285 speakers and 112 partner associations. The success of the company lies in the numbers ninth edition of Digitalmeet, the largest and most widespread Italian festival on digital literacy for citizens and businesses organized by Fondazione Comunica and I-Center Tag Padova.

This year’s edition “different from the usual”, mainly due to “the historical moment that the country is experiencing and which allows in practice, a structured program of capillary digitization on various areas “, thank you, the organizers of the digital event underline, “to the extension of the skills of the population and to the NRP” which has allocated the economic resources to tackle this development even in territories where digital is weaker and less present.

Women, skills and growth were the three key words that characterized the 2021 edition of Digitalmeet. During the event there was talk of the constant growth of female students in the choice of the Stem faculties (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics), although the majority of those enrolled in the technical-scientific faculties remain males; of the strategic role of women in digital development, with the presentation in the Senate of the research ‘From the ceiling to the glass diaphragm – Female businesses and careers’, by Professor Paolo Gubitta of the University of Padua in collaboration with the analysts of InfoCamere, which investigated the presence of women, more important in the South than in the North, in command of companies in Italy.

It was addressed at Digitalmeet 2021 the issue of digital skills, on which Italy is still lagging behind even if important steps forward were made in the year and a half of the pandemic, through the digital pills brought throughout Italy during the events by the Digital Evangelists, the regional ambassadors and the Speakers. Growth was also discussed, Digitalmeet as, by now, the largest and most widespread Italian festival on digital literacy and the country’s economic growth thanks also to the perspective of the NRP. On a technical level, it was an absolutely hybrid festival, with the possibility of following events in person and online.
“A modality that we will certainly not abandon for future editions as it gave us the opportunity to make a great trip around Italy, from Messina to Terni, up to Trieste ” commented Gianni Potti, president of Fondazione Comunica and founder of Digitalmeet.

A digital bridge, Potti observed, “that has connected the whole country and has made Digitalmeet a meeting place and a platform for developing digital in Italy. And with this spirit we are already looking forward to next year’s ten-year edition which will be held from 18 to 23 October 2022 “.” With the ninth edition of Digitalmeet – he finally noted – we told the country how much digital has changed in the last period. Each of us in the year and a half of the pandemic found himself having to deal with digital and its tools; it is therefore necessary to ride the wave and project ourselves into a future that is already partially present and supported by the resources of the NRP. A unique opportunity, the one that comes to us from the resources of the PNRR, which should not be wasted and which we must manage with great caution to ensure that everyone has access to connectivity and digital literacy “.

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