686 years in prison for the pederast with the highest sentence in Spain

by time news

Lawyer, 31 years old, is accused of contacting 98 boys, under 16. His goal was to get as much pornographic material as possible and have sex. He was a voracious predator. He was looking for his victims through social networks like Instagram or through the groups of Whatsapp. When they arrested her, she assured that she has a mental illness and that she was not able to control herself.

The facts

The pedophile committed his abuses between November 2015 and September 2018. The first complaint was filed by the parents of one of his victims, upon discovering that their son was having erotic conversations with a supposedly very attractive-looking woman. He had asked her to I had a threesome with her and another friend and have it recorded on video. The investigators of the armed institute pulled the string and ended up arresting the pederast in the so-called ‘Operation Kamikaze’.


Jose Angel SR was football coach in children’s teams and worked as a lawyer in a law firm in the capital. He got the goal of him in at least 18 occasions. the boys suffered sexual abusesome with penetration and in shape continued. These minors had agreed under deceit and in a situation of inferiority, which is a crime of aggravated sexual abuse. Later she shared some of the recorded videos through social networks.

To do this, he pretended to be another underage boy. She sometimes said that she was a girl and her name was lorraine or he also went so far as to assure that he was an “older man”, according to what appears in the summary. He would engage in conversations of a sexual nature and when he gained the trust of these teens, he would send them photos and videos of naked boys masturbating.

In this way he made them believe that it was him and “with lustful mood”, He asked them to send him similar ones in return. To some he proposed have a threesome or have sexual encounters. The boys “acceded to the defendant’s request under this deception.”

According to the sentence: “he took advantage of the Lack of maturity of the victims and managed to break their will. They mutually masturbated, gave each other fellatio and in some cases the accused even penetrated them anally with his finger or his penis. During the trial at the Madrid Provincial Court they had to place a screen in the room to avoid a visual confrontation between the aggressor and the victims, who continue to be very affected.

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