7 councilors voted in favor of the qualified majority in the Chamber of Deputies

by times news cr

In the session of the National Electoral Institute (INE) of Today August 23rd was addressed controversial overrepresentation of the ruling party; and, as expected, 7 councilors voted in favor of the qualified majority of Morena in the Chamber of Deputies.

Here we tell you the minute-by-minute story of the INE session that defined the controversial overrepresentation and approved that Morena and its allies have all the power in one of Mexico’s legislative chambers.

At 10:00 a.m., the Extraordinary Session of the General Council of the INE in which the issue of overrepresentation in the Chamber of Deputies is discussed, of which opposition parties have accused Morena.

The discussion around the distribution of Proportional Representation seats, better known as plurinominal, in the next term of Congress has escalated to such a degree that civil organizations and business groups have also taken a position on the issue.

After 2:40 p.m. and after a little more than 5 hours of the session starting, the General Council of the INE carried out the vote for end the debate on overrepresentation.

With the vote of 7 INE councilors, it was approved that the parliamentary factions of Morena and its allies will have 108 plurinominal deputies in the Chamber of Deputies.

Throughout the discussion, the positions have been found of the representatives of the parties, the sayings of Sergio Gutierrez Luna from Morena one of the most critical points, as he threatened with a impeachment against councillor Martín Faz.

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7 councilors voted in favor of the qualified majority in the Chamber of Deputies” frameborder=”0″ allow=”accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture” allowfullscreen=”” title=”Sesión Extraordinaria del Consejo General (23/08/2024)”>

INE General Council approves Morena’s qualified majority in the Chamber of Deputies

After 5 hours of the Extraordinary Session of the General Council of the INEthe event was held voting of the agreement on the validity of the election of provincial councils by the principle of proportional representation.

As it had been outlined A couple of hours earlier in the first round of positioning, the votes of the councillors They ended up approve the qualified majority of Morena in the Chamber of Deputies.

Los Councillors maintained the direction of their vote that they had revealed, since lThe vote ended with 7 votes in favor of the overrepresentation of Morena by only 4 against.

The votes in question, as previously announced, were as follows:

A favor:

  1. Guadalupe Taddei
  2. Norma Irene de la Cruz Magana
  3. Uuc-cube Swords
  4. Carla Humphrey
  5. Arturo Castillo
  6. Rita Bell Lopez
  7. Jorge Montano


  1. Claudia Zavala
  2. Jaime Rivera
  3. Martin Faz
  4. Dania Ravel

With the vote of the 7 INE councilors, the seats in the Chamber of Deputies will be distributed as follows:

  • Morena: 75 plurinominal deputies
  • PAN: 40 plurinominal deputies
  • PRI: 26 plurinominal deputies
  • Citizen Movement: 26 plurinominal deputies
  • PVEM: 20 plurinominal deputies
  • PRD: 0 plurinominal deputies
  • PT: 13 plurinominal deputies

In that sense, Morena and its allies will have 108 plurinominal deputies in the next term of the Chamber of Deputies.

Sergio Gutiérrez Luna threatens to impeach INE counselor for his voting; they claim threat

In the second round of positioning before the vote on the issue of the overrepresentation of Morenathe representative of said party before the INE He launched a threat.

The above is due to the fact that the Morena deputy Sergio Gutierrez Lunacriticized the INE counselor, Martin Fazhas raised that will change the direction of your vote.

Regarding this, he said that The counselor “bent over” and acted accordingly incongruous with respect to the previous position that had been outlined in favor of the qualified majority of Morena.

In view of this, the representative of Morena indicated that it should be analyze whether the change of opinion Martín Faz’s would not imply resorting to the Article 110 and subject him to impeachment.

However, the harsh positioning of Sergio Gutiérrez Luna was immediately criticized by the rest of the session participants, including Gerardo Fernandez Norona.

Upon resuming the floor, the PT representative considered that the statements of his colleague in the Fourth Transformation movement were an act of unnecessary rudeness.

This was stated by him when he stated that It is necessary to respect the meaning of the vote of all the counselors, which was shared even for the representatives of the opposition.

INE advisors plan to approve overrepresentation of Morena

Prior to the vote in which the issue of the overrepresentation of Morena will be decided, the members of the General Council of the INE They expressed their respective postures.

After the positions of the 11 counselorsit was announced that the votes on the issue would end in approve that Morena count on the qualified majority.

The above is due to the fact that 8 of the councilors presented arguments in favor to give the green light to overrepresentation, which are presented below:

  • Guadalupe Taddei
  • Norma Irene de la Cruz Magana
  • Uuc-cube Swords
  • Carla Humphrey
  • Arturo Castillo
  • Rita Bell Lopez
  • Dania Ravel
  • Jorge Montano

Otherwise, the remaining 3 counselors who raised allegations in against granting overrepresentation to the ruling party, these are the following:

  • Claudia Zavala
  • Jaime Rivera
  • Martin Faz

Since the positions are a prelude to the General Council’s vote, it would be profiling that the INE will end up approving the qualified majority of Brunette.

Guadalupe Taddei, president of the INE, assures that the electoral body “does not give away or take away seats”

In the context of the allocation of plurinominal deputies and senators, during the session of the INE As of this Friday, the president counselor, Guadalupe Taddeiclarified that the electoral body “does not give or take away seats” from any political party.

In this regard, Taddei said that citizens are the only ones who can decide with their vote the number of legislators that correspond to each political force.

The INE does not take away or give away seats in the House of Representatives or Senate“The only one who can do it is the citizens with their vote,” said Taddei in his first speech.

He also rejected attempts to place the INE in the breach of its State function, as well as attempts to politicize the process of assigning plurinominal deputies, insisting that this is carried out in strict compliance with the law and with the support of thousands of electoral public servants.

Therefore, Guadalupe Taddei He announced his vote in favor of the project which keeps Morena and its allies with 8% of surplus legislators.

“The INE does not create parliamentary factions nor does it deviate from the Constitution. Our actions go beyond electoral circumstances and are a reflection of our commitment to democracy and the popular will expressed at the polls.”

Guadalupe Taddei. President of the INE

“Don’t haggle at the table for what you didn’t win in the streets,” says the Green Party

The representative of the Green Party Mexican environmentalist before the INE, Arturo Escobar and Vegasupported the electoral body’s project that seeks to validate the qualified majority for Morena in the Chamber of Deputies.

During his speech, he addressed the opposition parties and asked that “Don’t haggle with us at the table for what you didn’t win from us on the street.”.

He also took the opportunity to criticize Dante Delgado and Movimiento Ciudadano in response to the criticism surrounding the controversy over Morena’s alleged overrepresentation, saying that if his party wants more seats and seats, it should work on building alliances.

“They are angry with their integration into the Chambers, get allies, build alliances, know how to negotiate, know how to build yields and concedes so that they have a greater number of deputies and senators”

Arturo Escobar y Vega. Representative of the Green Ecologist Party of Mexico before the INE

Councilor Uuc-kib Espadas is in favor of the project that keeps Morena and allies with the surplus of 8% of legislators

The INE advisor Uuc-cube Swords He stated that the Mexican Constitution is clear regarding the criteria of overrepresentation which should apply to each political party, but No to coalitions or political forces.

He said he did not agree with the current legislation, given that it does not give equal weight to the votes of each party, but he was in favour of respecting what is stated in the Constitution.

“It is not the best for the political and social diversity of this country, but today it is a constitutional mandate. The INE defends the republic by arbitrating, not being part of the dispute. A body that is obligatorily impartial cannot shape its decisions based on a particular electoral result.”

Uuc-kib Espadas. INE advisor

2024-08-23 23:47:37

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