7 foods that help control type 2 diabetes

by time news

2023-11-29 18:00:29

Los foods They are the basis of life and are also useful for the control of diseases such as diabetes. The first and most important thing is that they are in no way a cure or a replacement for pharmacological treatment. Although when an adequate diet is maintained it is easier to achieve adequate control and avoid complications.

With this in mind, making small lifestyle modifications is the first step to achieving good health. From doing constant physical exercise to avoiding harmful addictions such as smoking and alcoholism, these are the first steps to follow.

What foods help control type 2 diabetes?

For its part, the diabetes It is one of the biggest public health problems today. Worldwide there are more than 400 million people diagnosedwhile there are even more with the condition but they don’t know it.

The feeding is key to health, and when it comes to preventing or controlling type 2 diabetes, choosing the right foods makes a difference. Remember that it is only part of the great habits that positively impact health.

7 ideal foods for people with diabetes

Mixed Vegetables and Leafy Greens: Vegetables are nutritional treasures because they are packed with vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants that help fight free radicals and reduce inflammation. In addition, they are rich in fiber, which promotes optimal glycemic control. Healthy fats: not all fats are bad because saturated fats found in foods such as meat and cheese can be healthy in moderation. Monounsaturated ones, like those from avocado and olives, are excellent. Extra virgin olive oil is especially beneficial for people with diabetes. Protein: Maintaining a proper balance of protein is essential. They help control glucose and maintain muscle mass, which is crucial for metabolic health. Low-glycemic fruits: Fruits such as raspberries, blackberries, strawberries, and pomegranates have a low glycemic index, meaning they raise blood sugar levels little. Plus, they are rich, loaded with antioxidants and fiber. Seeds: Seeds like chia, pumpkin and sunflower are little nutritional treasures. They provide healthy fats, proteins and fiber, which helps maintain a balance in your diet. Herbs: Herbs not only add flavor to your meals, but they also have health benefits. They improve digestion, reduce inflammation, and promote better mood and sleep. Powerful spices: two spices that stand out are cinnamon, as it improves insulin sensitivity and helps regulate glucose levels. Also ginger because it has been shown to reduce blood sugar levels.

These foods are only part of the comprehensive well-being for the care and recovery of your health. Physical activity, good sleep, stress management and other factors are equally important.

All the foods mentioned should be in the daily diet of people with diabetes. If there is also correct adherence to pharmacological treatment, the chances of suffering complications are reduced.

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