7 guided meditation exercises to reduce daily stress

by time news

2023-12-31 17:00:01

Guided meditations are a great way to combat everyday stress and anxiety. There are many ways to do them: walking, with music and even counting backwards. Keep reading and discover how to perform these exercises to strengthen your well-being.

Last update: December 31, 2023

According to him State of the Global Workplace 2023 Reportduring this year, 44% of the world’s workers reported experiencing stress in the Laboral scene. This disease not only manifests itself at work, but also in personal life and a good tactic to fight it is guided meditation. This reduces cortisol, improves your ability to concentrate, combats insomnia and helps you control anxiety levels.

If you want to learn to balance your emotions in a healthy way, through mindfulness, and experience its benefits, you have to try the following guide where you will learn the best guided meditation exercisesto calm yourself in moments of stress and lead a more positive life.

Recommendations before starting meditation

Meditation sometimes seems complex or otherworldly to us, but the truth is that With the help of a guide, we can easily enter in this world. Before you start, we recommend the following:

Find a quiet place: Finding a place without distractions where you can do the exercises will help you have a higher percentage of concentration when meditating. It can be a room or a nice park.
Make it part of your routine: Establish a time of day when you can feel clearer and try to be consistent with the schedule and frequency.
Follow the guide’s instructions: Let yourself be carried away by his voice and instructions to maximize the benefits of meditation. If at any time you feel that you are not adapting to the guide, you can change the video.
Use headphones: If possible, use headphones to improve sound quality and immerse yourself further in the guide.

It is key that you have patience, as improvement requires hard work and perseverance. If you meet these two characteristics, you will be able to see the effects of guided meditation very soon.

7 guided meditation exercises to relax

Next, we will present you a series of guided meditation exercises or mindfulness that will help you sleep better, you will find calm and that you can do, both at home and in outdoor environments.

1. Controlled breathing

Se Focus on breathing to calm the mind and improve awareness. To begin, sit comfortably with your back straight and relax your body. Close your eyes and connect with your breathing. Observe the entry and exit of the air and establish a rhythm for it, for example: inhale, count to four, exhale. As you do this, pay attention to the sensations associated with breathing.

It is very common for thoughts about a lot of things to arise during this breathing exercise. If the mind wanders, return to the breath. After a few minutes, she opens her eyes and takes a moment to notice how you feel.

2. Body scan

This type of guided meditation involves directing conscious attention through different parts of the body, observing and relaxing each area. For a start, Take a comfortable position, close your eyes and take a few deep breaths.. Focus on various parts of your body:

Start with your feet. What do you feel? Pressure, pain, heat. Ascend your legs and move forward analyzing your sensations towards your stomach. This area is key, it describes everything you feel. Continue through the trunk, arms and hands. Do you feel the air on your skin or the feel of the fabric of your clothes? It goes up to the neck and head, detects pain and pressure. In the end, analyze how you feel as a whole. If you wander (it is very common), focus on your breathing and then return to the analysis of sensations.

Finally, open your eyes, breathe a few times, relax your hands and feet. You can also lie down or, if you need to, stand up.

3. Mindfulness with observation

There is a small difference between meditation and mindfulness or full attention that you should know, since the latter focuses on being aware of the present moment without judging.

To practice it, sit back and take a few breaths to start. Close your eyes and focus on feeling the air move in and out of your body. As thoughts arise, observe them without judgment and let them pass. Return your attention to your breathing.

You can expand the sensations to smells, sounds and textures around you. He thinks about them and lets your mind flow. If you get sidetracked, focus on your breathing and what the guide tells you. Then he observes the sensations that arise and also lets them pass. In due time, when you feel more relaxed, conclude the meditation. Open your eyes and take some time to adjust to your surroundings before continuing with your activities.

4. Countdown

This is a practice in which you count backwards, from a certain number, and as you progress, you focus on relaxation and the calm. After closing your eyes, she takes a few deep breaths to relax you and enter a state of tranquility. She starts counting backwards from a number, for example, from ten. You can adjust the number, according to your preference.

Associate each one with a feeling of relaxation. For example, Imagine that with each number you count, you feel lighter, calmer and more relaxed. She continues counting backwards, until you feel that you have reached a state of deep rest. You can stop at any number you feel is appropriate. Finish by slowly opening your eyes and inhaling and exhaling calmly.

5. Meditation Metta Bhavana

He Metta Bhavanais a Buddhist meditation practice that seeks to cultivate feelings of love and kindness toward oneself and towards others. Sit back, close your eyes and take a few breaths and follow what the guide tells you to start the meditation. If you wish, you can repeat in your mind or quietly phrases such as: “may I be full of love and compassion,” “may I be happy,” “may I be safe,” “may I be at peace.”

You can also extend it to other people or by maintaining a genuine intention to wish the best for yourself. and the others, by including their name on the list. Focus on your breathing to stay connected and if you wander, you can listen to what the guide is telling you to help you get back to it. Finally, he opens his eyes and takes a moment to adjust to your surroundings before standing up.

6. Meditation with walking

To start this meditation, start walking consciously and consciously. Feel the contact of your feet with the ground and maintain full attention in the act of walking, along with what your guide tells you. Observe your surroundings and if you feel yourself wandering, return your attention to the sensation of walking.

You can try different walking paces and include headphones, which help you stay in tune and avoid outside noises that may interfere with meditation.

When you are ready to finish, slow down, stop, take a few minutes to stand. and observe what surrounds you.

7. Meditation with yoga

Yoga meditation is a practice that combines the physical and mental benefits of yoga with mindfulness and meditation. Start by locating yourself in a comfortable and quiet place. Wear comfortable clothing that allows you to move freely. You can even practice barefoot or wear non-slip socks.

Start listening to the instructions that the guide gives you, who will guide you on how to do gentle postures to warm up and stretch your body, such as the lotus, mountain and child poses.

Focus on your breathing. Take deep, conscious breaths. Then sit on the floor, close your eyes and pay attention to how the air enters and leaves your body. You can incorporate a mantra or positive affirmation into your practice, saying it in your mind or quietly, while listening to what your guide is telling you.

Once you have completed the guided meditation, open your eyes slowly and take a moment to return to consciousness of the place where you are.

Where can you find more examples?

Guided meditation is a highly sought after practice, especially by people who want to get started in this world. You can find more examples, via podcast on Spotify or YouTube and even in miniseries that you can find on streaming platforms. streaming. Now that you know various exercises to meditate on, start with the one you feel most comfortable with and take advantage of the benefits this provides to reduce stress and bring well-being to your life.

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