7 men’s reactions to a breakup

by time news

Las Men’s reactions to a breakupthey are usually very different from those of women. We usually turn to our friends or family to feel protected and pampered. whatWhat do they do to face those moments of pain??

Yesterday, February 22, Andrea Legarreta and Erik Rubin issued a statement on their social networks, where announced their separation after 22 years of marriage. They point out that for months they had made the decision to go their separate ways.

Although Andrea Legarreta addressed the issue on the morning show that he hosts, little is known about How is Rubín facing this process?. The singer noted: “There it is very clear, in what is in the statement, there is nothing more to say. My daughters are very well, it is something we have discussed for a long time and we are calm. (…) What can I tell you guys, it’s a delicate, painful moment. Put yourself in our shoes, but what I least want right now is to talk about it and go deeper.”

Las reactions of men in a breakup are very different from those of a woman, since they tend to isolate themselves more and keep their pain out of pride and fear.

How does a love break affect a man?

7 men’s reactions to a breakup. Photo: iStock

A study conducted by Professor Craig Morris from Binghamton University of New Yorkindicates that the women experience more pain at the time of one breakupbut your emotional recovery is faster than that of men.

This is because men have a smaller circle of trust and it is difficult for them to share their emotions with other people, since they normally do this with their coupleInstead, women quickly go to their friends and family to get everything that is making them feel bad.

What hurts a man the most after a breakup?

Although every break is unique and the reasons why it happens are different, there are some things that could be especially painful for some men:

feeling rejected: If the breakup was initiated by his partner, the man may feel rejected and hurt by the idea that his partner no longer loves him or wants to be with him anymore.

Losing company and intimacy: After a breakup, a man can feel a great loss of the companionship and intimacy he shared with his partner, which can make him feel lonely and devastated.

Losing your sense of identity and purpose: If the relationship was a central part of the man’s life, it may be difficult for him to find his identity and purpose after the breakup. He may also feel that he has lost his future and joint planning.

Feeling betrayed or cheated: If the breakup was caused by infidelity or a breach of trust, a man may feel deeply betrayed and hurt.

Worrying about the judgment of others: A man may worry about what his friends and family will think of him after the breakup, especially if he had invested heavily in the relationship or feels judged for allowing the relationship to fail.

Losing routine and shared habits: If the relationship lasted a long time, the man may have established a routine and habits with his partner, which can make the break up especially difficult to handle.

Feeling desperate to get the relationship back: Some men can feel desperate to get their partner back after a break up, which can be painful if your partner has made a final decision to end the relationship.

How men live a breakup

7 men’s reactions to a breakup. Photo: iStock

Below you can see 7 reactions of men in a breakup:

1. Anger

Men present a state of anger caused by the breakup, to such a degree that they can hurt themselves with blows that are the effect of an emotional explosion.

2. Frustration

A man can be frustrated by the fact that he could not save the relationship, he will spend a long time analyzing all his mistakes and the “if onlys” that led him to be alone.

3. Pride

It is common for a man to lock himself in his world and make others think that nothing is wrong, when in reality he is broken inside.

4. Soledad

It is understandable that men cut off communication with those closest to him, since he does not want to bring it up or talk about anything that will remind him of what he is going through.

5. Esperanza

There comes a time when men are sure that they will be able to get back together with their ex-partner if they correct what they did wrong, however, the chances are few and they have nothing left but to live on illusions.

6. Acceptance

After a while, men finally understand that it’s all over and they can’t keep clinging to the past, so they start doing physical activities, going out with friends and enjoying being single.

7. fear of starting again

When a man gets over the breakup, it is difficult for him to try a new relationship, since he does not feel confident to give his best and fears that he will ruin the process, so he thinks better of it or just goes for something non-committal.

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As you can see, the Men’s reactions to a breakup, they are complex. They have a difficult process, it’s just hard to notice due to his cold and rigid stance on the situation.

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