7 More Alternatives (Free and Paid) to ChatGPT — Science and Data

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The previous post with 5 Alternatives to ChatGPT was an incredible success here on the Blog. So here are 7 more alternatives, free and paid:

Jasper has been in the AI-powered content generation business for a while now and has been well accepted among users. However, in addition to its content generation features and other services, Jasper also has a relatively new chatbot. Aptly named Jasper Chat, this ChatGPT alternative is also based on GPT 3.5, among other language models, and has OpenAI as a partner. However, unlike ChatGPT which can be used effectively by anyone, JasperChat was created for businesses like advertising, marketing and others.

Jasper Chat itself is free, but you need Jasper’s Boss or Business plan to access all features. The Boss Plan starts at $59 per month. It’s not exactly cheap, but it also gives you access to all of Jasper’s services.

Character AI is based on neural language models and was trained from the ground up with conversations in mind. However, what sets Character AI apart is that users can choose from multiple personalities rather than interacting with a single AI chatbot.

The homepage is full of different characters and includes Elon Musk, Tony Stark and Socrates, even Joe Biden and Kanye West. The best part is that depending on the person you have chosen, the AI ​​changes its way of chatting accordingly. Character AI also has a microphone input and even responds in different voices depending on the character.

YouChat is another solid AI chatbot like ChatGPT which is actually integrated with a search engine of the same name. Trained on an updated ChatGPT model, YouChat is capable of holding conversations with full Internet access. This connectivity means that the bot stays up to date with the latest information and therefore provides accurate answers not only in chat but also in search results.

The bot also lacks additional features like microphone input, chat sharing, or personalities. However, it makes up for this with its up-to-date information bank, which is a good thing. YouChat is completely free, so you just need to visit the website and start chatting.

OpenAI Playground is a tool not intended for users without AI knowledge. However, if you are having difficulties accessing ChatGPT and still want to try out its features, OpenAI Playground is the way to go. This web-based tool works like ChatGPT, but offers much more advanced options, including the ability to select a specific language model to try out. Playground existed before ChatGPT.

After selecting the model, you can adjust other factors such as model randomness, number of tokens, frequency penalty, stopping sequences and more. As you can see, OpenAI Playground is not plug-and-play and intended for regular users. However, for those who know what they’re doing and want to try out the different models before building an AI tool, it offers immense customization.

Since OpenAI Playground is simply a demo version of the ChatGPT service, its outputs are on par with ChatGPT and give a good idea of ​​the real service.

Although Microsoft’s DialoGPT has been replaced by GODEL AI, it remains a lightweight and fun AI to use. Dialo was trained on 147 million dialogs from various Reddit conversations and therefore has a modest dataset. It also comes with support for multi-turn answers, which means it will remember your previous answers. Since setting up Dialo by yourself can be tricky, you can use HuggingFace’s inference API and try it out.

DialoGPT is free to set up, but it’s not exactly revolutionary. However, it will do the job if you just want a simple chatbot to chat with.

Perplexity AI is a ChatGPT alternative that has also been trained on the OpenAI API and as such works well and delivers good responses. The website itself has been minimally packaged and is simple to use. The tool offers similar functionality to ChatGPT, including the ability to carry on conversations and provide simple to subtle responses. However, unlike ChatGPT, Perplexity even cites the sources it is using to answer your questions.

Perplexity AI is completely free and doesn’t even require an account. Go ahead and give it a try.

Replika is one of the AI ​​chatbots that started it all. However, although Replika is an AI chatbot, its focus is more on companionship and relationships. Replika has been used by millions of people across the world not just as a way to chat but to develop deep relationships with him.

Replika is powered by the GPT-3 language model which is autoregressive, meaning it learns from your previous inputs (in this case your prompts). Since Replika’s focus is on a meaningful conversation, it can use past information about your life and essentially adapt accordingly to you.

David Matos

And check out the amazing free course below:

Python Language Fundamentals for Data Analysis and Data Science with ChatGPT

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