7 signs that you are emotionally dependent

by time news

Learn to recognize the signs that you are a emotional dependent. When you feel that you cannot live without the person next to you and that your life is over if they are not with you at all times, perhaps it is time to analyze the situation and reflect on these emotions.

Recently, Shakira He has given the first interview after everything he experienced in 2022 after his loving separation. Since the news was released, she dedicated herself to healing her heart in the best way she knows how: with music.

“I think that through my songs I always I have felt that I have a duty to use my voice and lend it to those who cannot speak. I have realized that women are at a key moment for society”.

Without a doubt, all this has favored her and her phrase “Women don’t cry, women bill” they make it very clear. Although despite all the success she has had, criticism has not been lacking and contrary to what everyone thinks, for her it has been a very complicated stage.

“I didn’t know I could be strong”previously “I bought that story that a woman needed him (a man) to complete herself”. “I have always been quite emotionally dependent on men, a lover of love.”

Emotional dependency, what is it?

According to psychologist Jorge Castelló Blasco, a specialist in emotional dependence and personality disorders, emotional dependence is a persistent pattern of unsatisfied emotional needs that are sought to be met with other people.

The author of the book “Emotional dependence, characteristics and treatment” details that the essence of the problem is that the dependent He has a frustration that he seeks to compensate with his partner relationships.

That is, the couple it becomes the most relevant thing for the dependent person, so they live their relationships intensely and feel that the only thing that really matters is the other.

You can even compromise your mood, time, thoughts, activities, responsibilities and obligations for the loved one. All this will revolve around the acceptance or rejection on the other, points to the Anxiety and Stress magazine.

Therefore, when there is a breaking off, the dependent shows emotions of sadness, anguish and excessive anxiety. In these cases, it is best to consult a specialist to reduce emotional dependency, regain freedom and be happy on your own. And you, are you an emotional dependent?

Why do I have emotional dependence?

When you feel that you cannot live without the person next to you and that your life is over if they are not with you at all times, perhaps it is time to analyze the situation and reflect on these emotions.

constant access. The dependent needs to be informed of everything his partner does and be in contact. They have to be in the same room or talk on the phone every second to know how she is doing.

exclusivity in relationships. They do not like to share his partner with third parties, since she wants him to himself, so friends, family and co-workers annoy her.

Idealize your partner. An overvaluation of the couple is generated, to such a degree of distorting their merits and capabilities.

Submission. The treatment towards the couple is subordinate, so they allow everything and justify their actions and try to satisfy everything they ask for.

Panic of abandonment or rejection. The clerk considers that his relationship with his partner is the most important thing in his life, which is why he is terrified to think that it could end.

Low self-esteem. An emotional dependent are people who value themselves little, so they do not protect themselves when they receive attacks and are capable of defending the other person even if their integrity is endangered.

Fear to loneliness. The emotionally dependent is afraid of being alone, because it causes them discomfort, discomfort and anxiety

Emotional dependence, how to overcome it?

overcome emotional dependency It can be a challenging process, but it is possible with the right help and personal commitment.

Seek professional help: It is important to seek help from a mental health professional, such as a psychologist or therapist, to work on overcoming emotional dependency. A professional can help you identify behavior and thought patterns that fuel emotional dependency, as well as help you develop healthy, fulfilling relationship skills.

Promote your emotional independence: Try to promote your emotional independence by developing your own skills and hobbies, as well as learning to manage your own emotions without depending on another person. This can help you build self-confidence and feel less dependent on other people.

Learn to set healthy boundaries: Setting healthy boundaries is important to avoid emotional dependency. Learn to say “no” when necessary and to establish your own needs and desires in a relationship.

Identify your emotional needs: Identifying your emotional needs and meeting them yourself, instead of depending on someone else to do it, can be helpful in overcoming emotional dependency.

Work on your self esteem: Working on your self-esteem and developing a positive image of yourself can help you feel more secure and less dependent on another person to feel valued.

Remember that overcoming emotional dependency is a process that can take time and effort, but with the right help and personal commitment, you can achieve it and improve your emotional well-being and quality of life.

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To end the interview Shakirahe pointed: “You must live a duel, accept it and tolerate the frustration. There are dreams that are broken and pick up the little pieces from the ground and build again. “I have managed to feel that I am enough, something that I never thought could happen.”

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