7 Viruses That Can Mutate Into Cancer (Unknowingly They Live Somewhere In Your Body)| Health180

by time news

What viruses can cause cancer? When we refer to them we immediately think of infections such as colds or intestinal problems, we never imagine that some of them can mutate and become cancer, but there are viruses that can do so SLIDE the MAIN PHOTO and discover them.

before the word “cancer”A thousand ideas come to our mind. The truth is that it is a very simple concept: the uncontrolled growth of abnormal cells. The complex arises in its consequences in the body and its origin in it, for example the virus.

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When talking about its causes it is common to hear the following, according to an article in the United States National Library of Medicine: exposure to chemicals, bad habits (drinking alcohol), obesity, genetics, contact with radiation… but how can another living being cause it?

What are viruses?

In essence the virus are a particle of genetic code, DNA or RNA, that need to infect a cell in order to replicate and invade. They are present in all areas of the earth, and since they do not have the same biology as bacteria, antibiotics do nothing to them.

Los virus They can cause a wide range of diseases in living things, from mild infections like the common cold to serious diseases like HIV, hepatitis, and COVID-19. Some viruses can be passed from person to person through coughing, sneezing, close contact, or contact with contaminated surfaces.

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What virus causes cervical cancer?

The virus that has been linked to the cervical cancer It is the human papilloma virus (HPV). It is estimated that about 99% of cases of cervical cancer has the presence of this virus as a causative factor.

EHPV is a common virus It is mainly transmitted through sexual contact, and there are many different types of HPV. Most HPV infections do not cause symptoms and resolve on their own without treatment. However, some types of HPV can cause cell changes in the cervix that, if left untreated, can lead to cervical cancer over time.

in what concerns cancerand what the National Cancer Institutesome virus (which ones? SLIDE THE MAIN PHOTO and FIND OUT) they interrupt the normal growth control signals of cells, on the other hand they weaken the immune system or cause processes such as chronic inflammation.

In addition, the viruses that are most closely related to cancer can be transmitted from person to person through blood and body fluids, and live in a person for years without being aware of it.

Therefore, to prevent and carry out adequate control, CLICK on the MAIN PHOTO and meet 7 viruses that can mutate into cancer and unknowingly live somewhere in your body.

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