70% completion of the Red Cross ‘Programme Partnership Programme – acpcongo

by time news

Uvira, March 23rd2023 (CPA). – The implementation of the activities of the Programmatic Partnership Programme (PPP) project was estimated, on Wednesday in Uvira in Sud Kivu in the Democratic Republic of Congo, at 70% at the end of February, with a projection of 100% in May, during the meeting of the steering committee (COPIL), organised at the Suzana hotel, CPA learnt from this structure.

« I thank the three sister Red Crosses, namely French, Luxembourg and Spanish through the Red Cross of DRC (CRRDC) for their determination in carrying out their mission, » said Alain Shamavu, provincial minister in charge of planning and budget, who represented the provincial authority at these meetings organised by the CRRDC in collaboration with the other sister crosses mentioned above.

According to him, the implementation of this project is satisfactory. He promised as provincial authority to ensure that this project can be extended to the entire province given the difficulties and especially the disasters that plague the population.

« The recommendations from this workshop have enabled stakeholders to adapt the programme’s implementation strategies taking into account the national multi-hazard plan of the Ministry in charge of Health, the national aid plan of the Ministry in charge of Planning, the provincial priority action plan and the local development plan and decentralised territorial entities, » Alain Shamavu continued.

The urban president of the CRRDC, Seti Buyonde Baravanga, said that the COPIL’s objective is to ensure the proper implementation of the programme in the project’s implementation zone for the pilot phase, which is nearing its end.

« The PPP project, which is funded by DG ECHO with technical support from the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC), aims to strengthen the operational capacity of DRCRC – by participating in the development of local and national capacities, with a focus on communities – for rapid and effective mitigation, early action and recovery from emergencies.  He went on to point out the various difficulties faced by the project, including the late start of the project, the scattering of displaced persons and disaster victims among host families (targeting problem), the change in the emergency humanitarian context and needs (redirection to the Nundu health zone), as well as difficulties in accessing certain beneficiaries.

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