70% of people give prior notice of their suicide

by time news

2023-09-08 08:38:00

According to INE experts, Spain closed 2022 with a total of 4,097 cases of suicide, that is, an average of 11 people decide to take their own lives every day. On the occasion of World Suicide Prevention Day, September 10, psychologist and expert Javier Urra explains for EFE Health the importance of preventing and addressing this problem to reduce the numbers.

According to the data of the World Health Organization (WHO)in 2021 more than 703,000 people decided to take their own lives, a figure that demonstrates the importance of preventing suicide.

In Spain, suicides have increased considerably in recent years and have gone from 4,003 in 2021 to 4,097 in 2022. This marked upward trend alerts experts and demands solutions.

Therefore, on the occasion of World Suicide Prevention Day, September 10, the doctor in Psychology and Health Sciences, former first ombudsman for minors in the Community of Madrid and current director of the Recurra-Ginso centerexplains to us in an interview for EFESalud what is behind the figures in our country and the importance of prevention.

Main and current reasons for suicide

“It is true that Spain is not one of the countries with the highest suicide rates, but nevertheless, cases have increased and are trending upward,” explains the psychologist.

In the case of the childhood, preadolescence and adolescenceJavier Urra mainly highlights school bullying as one of the factors that most influence suicide.

On the other hand, between young population Around the age of 25-30, the expert highlights addiction problems, heartbreak problems, some disorder or the loss of the meaning of life as the main reasons.

Enter here adult population, economic failure and labor problems are some of the main reasons. And among the older population, health problems especially stand out.

Furthermore, Javier Urra points out the pandemic as a stage with great influence and significance in the figures.

“Then there is a problem and that is that we live in a society that constantly seeks happiness and life is not just that. There are also disappointments, beauty, disloyalty, death… and it can be very painful to not always achieve that happiness. The truth is that you have to be happy, but people are asking life for more than what life can give them,” concludes the specialist.

Preventing suicide is possible

“Approximately 70% of those who commit suicide have given prior warning, that is, although they do not say it explicitly, they have said phrases that denote it such as: ‘don’t worry, otherwise I’m going to bother you a lot’ or ‘someone day you don’t know more about me’”, says the expert.

The psychologist especially points out that when a person says they don’t feel anything for their own life, you have to set the warning signal and pay attention to their feelings and behaviors.

Furthermore, the director of the center Recurre-Ginso has offered some recommendations to try to help someone who is thinking about taking their own life.

First of all, we must inform yourself and be alert before possible phrases or comments that denote a certain sadness or loss of the meaning of life. It is also important Avoid risks such as having scissors on the table, paying attention to open windows, etc. Thirdly, as the specialist explains, it is essential accompany the person, Listen to her without judging and support her in any difficulty or problem that may surround her. Above all, it is essential go to a professionalwhether a psychiatrist or a clinical psychologist.

“In addition to all this, suicide figures can be reduced in a society that is less agitated, less anxious, more balanced, with more introspection or with less desire to always be perfect or have more.” likes“.

Suicide is the main cause of unnatural death among young people between 15 and 29 years old. EFE/Emma Pons Valls

Help by helping others

“Speaking of my experience working in a center with young people, I have realized that the most important thing of all is not to get them to love themselves again quickly, because they don’t love themselves. The important thing is that if at least you don’t love each other, you do love others,” explains the specialist when referring to his work at the therapeutic center. Resort- Ginso.

Javier Urra explains that when we feel that we are helping others, our interest arouses a motivation to try.

“When they discover that there are people who are also having a bad time and that thanks to them they can be better, their lives are filled with meaning and that as a doctor in health sciences I tell you is very positive,” says the expert.

Therefore, the psychologist concludes by stating that “it is important let the focus be not only in the person who has lost the hope of living, but in those people who need help and can recover the hope of a young person by giving meaning to their life.”

“In addition, there is a fundamental issue that is our way of educating childrenyou have to strengthen your character and not create an apparently strong society but with a crystal mentality”, explains the specialist.

“One has to build a strong character especially in children for when life goes wrong. This, for example, is something that sport and great athletes like Nadal have taught us very well. Sometimes you lose the game, but if you always keep fighting, you can turn the game around and end up winning,” he concludes.

Helping others can help us feel better about ourselves. EFE/EPA/JULIEN WARNAND

Suicide prevention plan

“Undoubtedly, we lack a national plan”, says Javier Urra.

They have worked a lot from Congress and the Senate and the plan is very advanced according to the psychologist. However, due to political circumstances, not much has yet been addressed.

“There is a phone of hope, an incredible association called ‘The handrail‘And the government has also launched the specialized telephone number 024,’ explains the expert.

“When a person calls, Whoever picks up the phone can save their life and that from one moment to the next the decision that seemed to have been made, is no longer made or changes direction,” he adds.

However, the psychologist maintains that The national plan needs many elements to be effective.

They are currently working together with authorities, security forces and firefighters to be able cover any type of emergency.

“The plan above all has to focus on education, because it is the most important thing if we talk about prevention,” he concludes. Javier Urra.

Make people aware of what life is really like, he drug risklas expert opinionsare other points that the psychologist and doctor in health sciences wanted to highlight as fundamental elements of a national suicide prevention plan.

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