70 thousand immigrants per year: 65% from Russia and Ukraine

by time news

Bentzi Robin, knitted news01.12.22 08:10 7:00 p.m

70 thousand immigrants per year: 65% from Russia and Ukraine

Tomer Newberg/Flash 90

On the occasion of Aliya Day held today (Thursday), the Ministry of Aliya and Absorption planned a series of events that are a salute to Aliya and the national contribution of the immigrants to society, the economy, medicine, security and more.

Even these days, the ministry continues to receive immigrants from around the world, among others from Ukraine and Russia as part of the “Homecoming” operation, which began with the outbreak of the war in February. These days, the ministry has crossed the threshold of 70,000 immigrants since last year’s immigration day, and the employees of the immigration and absorption ministry continue to receive an average of 300 immigrants every day.

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On the occasion of Aliya Day, the Ministry of Immigration and Absorption publishes important data on immigration to Israel: in the last decade, over 22 thousand immigrants have enlisted in the IDF, of which about 15 thousand are identified as lone soldiers who assist the Ministry of Immigration and Absorption during their service. The IDF also assists to them in a variety of fields due to being single soldiers.

In the last decade, about 6,440 doctors, 1,448 dentists, and 2,552 sisters and brothers immigrated to Israel. Also, in the last decade, about 22,400 engineers immigrated and with the assistance of the Ministry of Immigration and Absorption, 2,140 workers were absorbed into Israeli high-tech.

The Israeli education system has been strengthened by 11,537 new immigrant teachers who have guided hundreds of thousands of students in Israel in the last decade, with 413 immigrants of them being English teachers.

The absolute majority of the new immigrants who immigrated since the day of aliyah last year are immigrants from Russia, who make up 54% of all new immigrants, immigrants from Ukraine are 21% of the new immigrants, followed by 5% from the United States, 4% from France, 3% from Belarus, and 2% immigrated from Ethiopia, 2% From Argentina. Also, there are 10 countries from which only one immigrated, including the Dominican Republic, Malta, Guadalupe, Martinique and more.

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28% of the new immigrants since the day of aliyah last year are between the ages of 18-35, 24% of the immigrants from birth to 17 years old, 21% of the immigrants aged 36-50, while 17% of the immigrants are 60 and older, 53% are women and 47% are men. Meanwhile, Israel received many women who were allowed to immigrate at an extreme age, such as a 101-year-old immigrant who immigrated in September and a 100-year-old immigrant who immigrated from the war in Ukraine in March, as well as two men who were allowed to immigrate at an extreme age, such as a 98-year-old immigrant who immigrated from Russia in March and a 98-year-old immigrant who immigrated in September from France .

The cities receiving the most from Aliya Day last year is Netanya which received 22% of the new immigrants, followed by Haifa which received 11% of the new immigrants, then Tel Aviv-Jaffa with 10%. About 7% of the new immigrants settled in Jerusalem, the capital of Israel, Bat Yam received 5% of the new immigrants, and Ashdod and Rishon Lezion received the same percentage of immigrants – 4% of the new immigrants.

In the last year, as part of the “Olim Hahome” operation led by the minister of immigration and absorption Panina Tamno Sheta, about 60 thousand new immigrants immigrated to Israel from Ukraine, Russia and Belarus. The new immigrants as part of the operation were spread throughout the country, and settled in different and diverse cities. Most of the immigrants chose to settle in Haifa, which received over 6,300 new immigrants. After her, the most receptive cities are Tel Aviv-Yafo and Netanya.

Also, as part of the “Tzur Israel” operation to immigrate the rest of Ethiopian Jews, from last year’s Aliya Day to the current Aliya Day, about 1,550 new immigrants from Ethiopia immigrated to Israel by virtue of the decisions of the government led by the Minister of Aliya and Absorption Panina Tamno Sheta in recent governments. In total, about 8,000 immigrants immigrated from Ethiopia in the last decade.

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In honor of Aliyah Day, a special event will be held this morning where President Yitzhak Herzog and Minister of Immigration and Absorption Panina Tamno Sheta will present the prestigious Minister of Aliyah and Absorption Award to 5 groundbreaking immigrants who have made a unique contribution to Israeli society in a variety of fields. The winners were carefully selected after competing in a public committee. Winners will be notified separately.

Minister of Aliya and Absorption Panina Tamno Sheta: “Celebrating aliya with 70 thousand new immigrants who came to Israel from last year’s aliya week. This is a number of immigrants that warms the heart of the people of Israel, especially since we have not seen such numbers of new immigrants in 20 years. In their Israeli journey in their new life in the country, the immigrants are constantly accompanied by the Ministry of Immigration and Absorption, the Jewish Agency, the local authorities and the organizations of immigration and absorption and it is inspiring to see the mobilization of everyone.”

“Aliyah week is an opportunity to bring hearts together between the old Israelis and the new ones, highlighting the contributions of the immigrants to society, and of course a call for the mobilization of Israeli society as a whole for optimal absorption of the immigrants. I invite all citizens of Israel to take part in the aliyah celebrations, and to embrace and cherish the new immigrants.”

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