72,568 new cases and 137 deaths – time.news

by time news
Of Paola Caruso

Data for Wednesday, March 16. The positivity rate rises to 14.8% with 490,711 swabs. Hospital stays are decreasing in every area: there are fewer than 500 people in intensive care overall

I’m 72.568
the new cases of Covid in Italy (yesterday there were 85,288, here the bulletin). It goes up like this at least 13.563.466
the number of people who have contracted the SARS-CoV-2 virus (including recovered and died) since the outbreak began. THE deaths today I’m 137
(yesterday 180), for a total of 157,314 victims from February 2020.

People recovered or discharged they are altogether 12.351.985 e 55.967 those that have become negative in the last 24 hours (yesterday 53,349). The positive current – the subjects who have the virus – turn out to be in everything 1.054.167equal to +18.043 compared to yesterday (+32,885 the day before).

The swabs and the scenario

I total swabs (molecular and antigenic) were 490.711, or 96,304 less than yesterday when it was 587,015. The positivity rate rises to 14.8% (the approximation of 14.788%); yesterday it was 14.5%.

The curve hit the weekly peak of its swing yesterday and starts moving down, as usual. But the trend remains uphill and the comparison with last Wednesday (March 9), when they were recorded, shows this +48,483 almost with a rate of 11.2%: in fact, today, there are more new infections than that day, with a higher percentage (14.8% against 11.2%). Lazio to have the highest number of newly infected (+8,756 cases), followed by Lombardy (+8,183).

Health Minister Roberto Speranza he assures that the state of emergency (which ends on March 31st) will not be renewed and says: Tomorrow there will be a Council of Ministers to define a precise time schedule to accompany the exit from the state of emergency. And the regions are asking the government to lift the restrictions by Easter. We must proceed towards normalization – explains President Massimiliano Fedriga, at the end of the Conference of the Regions – where the epidemiological conditions allow it.

Even globally, the trend of contagion is slightly growing (but not in all countries). According to the WHO, after a significant decrease in the number of new cases in the world, which had been going on since the end of January 2022, from 7 to 13 March the weekly number of infections marked a +8% compared to the previous week, for a total of 11 million new cases. On the other hand, deaths continue to decrease, equal to -17% in the same period of time as the week before (over 43,000 victims).

The health system

Hospital stays in each area are reduced and there are less than 500 people in intensive care. The beds occupied in ordinary Covid wards I’m -63 (yesterday +5), for a total of 8,410 hospitalized. The beds occupied in intensive care (TI) are -25 (yesterday -16) – this is the balance between the people who left and those who entered ICU -, bringing the total of the most seriously ill patients to 477with 31 admissions to resuscitation (yesterday 51).

The victims

There are 137 victims in the bulletin against 180 yesterday. Several previous deaths in Campania and Sicily were included in the count, as the notes indicate. There are two regions that have zero bereavement: they are Basilicata and Valle d’Aosta. The highest number of deaths in Sicily: here are 29 deaths, of which 14 occurred in the last 48 hours and 15 in the previous days.

The cases region by region

The data provided below, and broken down by region, is that of total cases (number of people found positive since the beginning of the epidemic: includes deaths and recovered). The variation indicates the number of new cases registered in the last 24 hours. Here is the table with the overall data provided by the Ministry of Health.

Lombardy 2,415,343: +8,183 cases (yesterday +9,540)
Veneto 1,395,268: +5,795 cases (yesterday +7,313)
Campania 1,280,711: +7,595 cases (yesterday +9,179)
Emilia Romagna 1.223.601: +3.682 cases (yesterday +2.279)
1,160,165: +8,756 cases (yesterday +10,562)
1.009.485: +2.811 cases (yesterday +3.206)
910.187: +5.203 cases (yesterday +6.574)
Sicily 874.974: +6.002 cases (yesterday +6.099)
Puglia 805.869: +6.999 cases (yesterday +8.211)
Liguria 363.155: +1.572 cases (yesterday +2.019)
Walk 354.260: +2.424 cases (yesterday +3.271)
Friuli Venezia Giulia 318.793: +1.046 cases (yesterday +1.225)
Abruzzo 283.507: +1.832 cases (yesterday +2.345)
Calabria 252.094: +3.405 cases (yesterday +4.547)
Umbria 206.787: +2.303 cases (yesterday +2.746)
Sardinia 200.734: +2.589 cases (yesterday +3.050)
P. A. Bolzano 197.030: +652 cases (yesterday +1.115)
P. A. Trento 143.675: +389 cases (yesterday +482)
Basilicata 92.649: +825 cases (yesterday +1.148)
Molise 43.454: +434 cases (yesterday +276)
Valle d’Aosta 31.725: +71 cases (yesterday +101)

The deaths region by region

The figure provided below, and broken down by region, is that of the total deaths since the start of the pandemic. The variation indicates the number of new deaths recorded in the last 24 hours.

Lombardy 38.977: +11 deaths (yesterday +14)
Veneto 14.008: +11 deaths (yesterday +15)
Campania 9,906: +4 deaths (yesterday +11)
Emilia Romagna 16,112: +11 deaths (yesterday +17)
Lazio 10,611: +11 deaths (yesterday +14)
Piedmont 13.138: +4 deaths (yesterday +7)
Tuscany 9,278: +10 deaths (yesterday +27)
Sicily 9,796: +29 deaths (yesterday +24)
Puglia 7,838: +17 deaths (yesterday +9)
Liguria 5,163: +4 deaths (yesterday +6)
Walk 3.644: +1 death (yesterday +5)
Friuli Venezia Giulia 4,844: +3 deaths (yesterday +5)
Abruzzo 3,035: +3 deaths (yesterday +5)
Calabria 2,197: +6 deaths (yesterday +3)
Umbria 1,768: +2 deaths (yesterday +4)
Sardinia 2,135: +4 deaths (yesterday +10)
P. A. Bolzano 1,430: +1 death (yesterday +1)
P. A. Trento 1,531: ​​+3 deaths (yesterday +1)
Basilicata 800: no new deaths (yesterday +1)
Molise 581: +2 deaths (yesterday +1)
Valle d’Aosta 522: no new deaths since March 5th

Here all the bulletins of 2022, here those of 2021 and here those of 2020.

The Abruzzo region announces that 14 cases have been eliminated from the total of positives as duplicates and that 1 death reported today occurred in recent days.

The Campania region announces that 3 deaths recorded today date back to a period between 01/22 and 02/11 2022.

The Emilia Romagna region announces that 3 cases have been eliminated, communicated in the previous days, as they are not considered COVID-19 cases.

The Friuli Venezia Giulia region announces that 2 cases have been eliminated from the total of positives: 1 case with positive antigen test not confirmed by molecular test and 1 case removed after revision.

The Public Administration of Bolzano announces that of the 652 new positives, 5 derive from antigenic tests confirmed by molecular tests.

The Sicily region announces that on the total number of confirmed cases communicated today, n. 1,598 relate to days prior to 03/15/22 (of which n. 1473 of 03/14/22, n. 76 of 03/13/22, n. 17 of 03/12/22, n. 5 of 11 / 03/22) and that the deaths reported today refer to the following periods: N. 3 ON 03/15/2022 – N. 11 ON 03/14/2022 – N. 1 ON 03/13/2022 – N . 1 ON 12/03/2022 – N. 1 ON 04/02/2022 – N. 1 ON 01/02/2022 – N. 1 ON 29/01/2022 – N. 1 ON 28/01/2022 – N . 3 ON 21/01/2022 – N. 1 ON 16/01/2022 – N. 1 ON 11/01/2022 – N. 2 ON 06/01/2022 – N. 1 ON 30/12/2021 – N. . 1 ON 12/15/2021.

March 16, 2022 (change March 16, 2022 | 18:52)

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